Changing of whole distribution because of one error is not good idea. Deleting original post is bad idea. I know the solution, I noticed your post this morning but I had to go to work. I have a solution in my mailbox but now I don't know the excat error message you've got.
You have connected the radio through the usb? You must find out what port is assigned to your radio (using dmesg command) and put it to CQRLOG configuration. Also find out the rig id in HamLib documentation. I don't know if lubuntu is dirrent but in Ubuntu, you have add yourself to dialout group.
Changing of whole distribution because of one error is not good idea. Deleting original post is bad idea. I know the solution, I noticed your post this morning but I had to go to work. I have a solution in my mailbox but now I don't know the excat error message you've got.
You have connected the radio through the usb? You must find out what port is assigned to your radio (using dmesg command) and put it to CQRLOG configuration. Also find out the rig id in HamLib documentation. I don't know if lubuntu is dirrent but in Ubuntu, you have add yourself to dialout group.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
From: terminalCommand: cqrlog --debug-m 231 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -t 4532starting rigctld E: executable file not found: ‘user/bin/rigctld”rigctld failed to startUsing Ubuntu 15.04--Vidid VervetKernel Linux 3.19.0-16-generic (x96-64)
Please add / on the beginning of the path to the rigctld.
73 Petr
CQRLOG 1.82 in Lubuntu works fine, will try your suggestion on the USB port to control ts590. Thanks...