Linux Mint 17.2
When I try to load crqlog I get the following db error. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall with no change.
"Error during connection to database: Can not load default MySQL library ("" or "") check your installation.
What do I need to do to fix this.
Mon, 2015-07-27 01:39
Won't load "mysql" error.
73! Yuri
Yuri, THANK YOU. That took care of the db problem.
Now I can't get the radio to connect to crqlog. It connect to fldig so I used the same parameter but no connection.
FT1000 MP Mark V
I am using rig 104 or 125, 125 is what I have on fldigi with 4800, stop bit of 2, and CTS/RTS flow control. dev/ttyS4 on both programs. No errors just no connection.
Hi Carlos
1.User in dialout group - has to be in this group.
2.My HamLib packages: libhalib-dev, libhamlib2, libhamlib-utils,
libhamlib++-dev, libhamlib2++c2.
3.Preferences>TRX Control: Set Radio serial parameters "DEFAULT", except serial speed. It is important!
73, Yuri
I am in the users dialout grup already.
libhamlib utilites is what is installed.
4800 baud all overs default. Run rigctl when program stats is on.
Still no communication
my group ID info:
carlos@carlos-System-Product-Name ~ $ id carlosuid=1000(carlos) gid=1000(carlos) groups=1000(carlos),4(adm),5(tty),20(dialout),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),100(users),108(lpadmin),110(sambashare),124(mysql)carlos@carlos-System-Product-Name ~ $
my ts590 isn't connected without libhamlib2 ++ C
I installed the package through Synaptic (Mint 17.2 -64 + CQRLOG 1.9)
73. Yuri
Thank you again. Now it works. I can't change the band from CRQlog but thats a minor issue. Now I need to get the level controller changed on my TS-480 so that I can do the same.
Thanks a million Yuri