trying to get rigcontrol working under raspbian on the pi3.
seems i'm still doing something wrong because i can't get any response from any of the 2
neither the 706mk2G with usb-cvi cable or the 7100 with direct usb connection works.
strange thing is that the icom ic 7100 seems to take not only ttyUSB1 but also ttyUSB2
any tips on things i probably am busy forgetting to do?
When cqrlog is running (with start rigctld at program start-setting) open console and give
ps ax | grep rig
You see a line with rigctld followed by parameters. Paint that and copy. Stop cqrlog. Paste copyed string back to console and add parameter -vvvvv to these ones that alredy are there. Press enter and rigctld should start in debug mode.
At that phase you may already see some errors. If not yet, start another console and give
telnet localhost 4532
When connected give
Look errors from console where rigctld is running.
For "dry run simulation" you may first try in first console
rigctld -m1 -vvvvv
And second console
telnet localhost 4532
When connected give
-m1 is dummy rig that does not need any connectons and it will show what you should see when everything works.
Is user part of the dialout group ?
User have to have RW access to serial devices. That means dialout group membership. In some distros group name may be something other than dialout.