Enter a new qso, so "country" field gives the good answer.
- open window qso list => good "country" field
- Menu Statistics, DXCC statistics, Rebuild DXCC statistics
After rebuild => the new qso dxcc "country" field always will be transform in "Puerto Rico" ?...
now "Edit qso", so the fields:
dxcc ref kp4
waz 8
itu 11
and dxcc info window concerns Puerto Rico...
Trying several times with different qso and dxcc, reloading data, closed program and computer... for the same results : KP4 is the winner !
An idea ?
73 Laurent
Hi Laurent,
thank you for the bug report. I'll look at it.
73 Petr
This seems to be interesting, but not permanent bug.
If I understood this "Enter a new qso, so "country" field gives the good answer." right it means QSO_list-window's column "DXCC_ref".
If I enter new qso the "DXCC_ref" shows right country. If I then run Menu->Statistics->DXCC statistic-> Rebuild DXCC statistics" the result of latest qso's DXCC_ref will change.
For me it changed first to SP. When adding few more qsos it started to change to F.
If I take the latest qso back to edit the DXCC_ref will turn back to right country corresponding to callsign.
But this happens only once at first time !!
If I save edit, when DXCC_ref is again ok. Rebuild DXCC statistics again; it turns back to F (at the moment).
Then if I again take it to Edit the "DXCC_ref" will NOT any more change to right country, but stays as F.
Same problem here. I have imported from previous .adi my log VP8STI (South Sandwich) and VP8SGI (South Georgia). CQRLog shows both as Falkland so I changed them to correct entity and did DXCC rebuild. No change, still shows as Falkland. If I filter log for both calls they show as correct entity in logbook. Paul G4AFU
Could you run cqrlog from console and send here the output, please. Run it just using cqrlog without --debug=1. If there is any problem during the rebuild, it will be noticed in the console.