Weird build from source problem

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Weird build from source problem

Hi All,

After the recent country files problems and noticing that the version I was running was still 2.2.0, I decided to look into that and see what the problem was. Being a long time Linux user, I tend to have a habit of building from source. There wasn't a prebuilt package for everything when I started and old habits are hard to break... So, I did a find on cqrlog and noticed there was a bin directory in my home directory that had cqrlog in it. No idea how that got there. I deleted the bin directory in my home directory and now the desktop shortcut launches cqrlog version 2.3.0 Weird...

Thanks guys for cqrlog! It is the best logger we have for Linux.



Weird build from source problem

Hi Stan!

Maybe you have copied it from somewhere (unzipped test binary, perhaps) . Or compiled so that resulting binary is created to home directory (weird...indeed).
So when you start cqrlog from start menu or icon that does not have path for binary it founds first one from your home directory and starts it.

When removed starting will look env variable 'path' and tries to find cqrlog from those folders. An it will as package puts it usually to /usr/bin folder.
