new to CQRLOG. trying to import LOTW. I get:
547 QSO(s) were not found in your log.
QSO(s) are stored to /home/pi/.config/cqrlog/lotw_error.txtDo you want to show the file?
How do I actually import these into the CRQLOG db?
new to CQRLOG. trying to import LOTW. I get:
547 QSO(s) were not found in your log.
QSO(s) are stored to /home/pi/.config/cqrlog/lotw_error.txtDo you want to show the file?
How do I actually import these into the CRQLOG db?
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Hi !
Do you try to import qsos from LoTW with QSO list/QSL/LoTW/Import ?
That selection is for getting confirmations from LoTW for worked and logged qsos.
I can not remember the format of lotw_error.txt but if it has qsos in adif format I.E tags like <CALLSIGN:5 OH1KH> you can try to import that via QSO list/FIle/Import/ADIF You have to change the suffix from .txt to .adi so that you can find the file with adif import.
Other way is to log into LOTW with web browser and get all you qsos manually to adif file and then import that file to cqrlog via NewQSO/Window/QSO list/FIle/Import/ADIF
Got it. Opinionated path to get historical LoTW QSOs into the tool. Thank you for the support, the NewQSO/Window/QSO list/FIle/Import/ADIF worked.
I might offer the suggestion to have QSO list/QSL/LoTW/Import work in the same manner - check for duplicates only and import records that don't otherwise exist.
Thanks for suggestion!
How ever QSO list/QSL/LoTW/Import is same as making qsl received from qso that was kept.
When you get LoTW errors they not always are real qsos.
Qso may have not finished properly and so you do not log it and do not send LoTW confirmation (to be honest). How ever you may you may get LoTW confirmation from opponent station. To be honest...still... you do not put that qso to your log later.
On the other hand you may have LoTW confirmations from very old qsos when opponent station has moved his old logs to LoTW. Then qsos are real, but you maybe need to check them from old paper logbook.
I have received that kind of confirmations from 1980's
So the only right way, but not easiest, is to go through LoTW error log and pick just true qsos from there.