Upgrading CQRLOG Don't install Hamlib

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Upgrading CQRLOG Don't install Hamlib

I want to upgrade CQRLOG. On the Pi I download from github and go through the "make" process. However when I do the install CQRLOG installs hamlib into /usr/bin. I have the latest release of hamlib install - it's location is /usr/local/bin. When CQRLog installs to /usr/bin it creates issues.

There is somewhere in the documentation that gives you the option NOT to install hamlib with CQRLOG? When I installed the older version of CQRLog from the add/remove programs it doesn't install hamlib programs. How do I make cqrlog and not install hamlib with it?



Upgrading CQRLOG Don't install Hamlib

Apologies on two items.
First sorry for the triple posting. I didn't see it posted.
Second is that I made a mistake, the hamlib in the /usr/bin was installed with the package install. So if I install using the make will it add hamlib - I don't want it do because I have latest hamlib already installed.


Upgrading CQRLOG Don't install Hamlib

HI Kevin!

If you install cqrlog from package it will install all dependencies including hamlib.
With Fedora you can use command:
rpm --erase --nodeps hamlib
and it will remove only hamlib package. I do not know the command for Debina/Ubuntu based systems like Pi (I have been too lazy to dig it out).

But if you make install for cqrlog from GitHub source and use "make" it does not install anything else. You have to carry out installing MariaDB, tqsl etc. needed dependencies by yourself.
Same way you can compile and install hamlib from GitHub. Just clone the source and you will find a file INSTALL from src folder that has very good instructions how to compile.

By default compiled rigcltd will place itself to /usr/local/bin and this makes it possible to have two versions. One installed from package (at /usr/bin) and one installed from compilation ( at /usr/local/bin).
Cqrlog will work fine with fine with both by just change of the rigctld path, but there are programs that are using hamlib's shared libraries and then the library and used rigctld must be same version and having two versions can cause problems as the is just one of them at /lib.


Upgrading CQRLOG Don't install Hamlib


Thank you for your reply. I just figured it out a couple of hours ago and everything is running well.

I tried to just build CQRLog from the source. I never could find the steps to compile fresh using only the source. I think I got it pretty good but I don't think the setup was right. The longest part was figuring out how to initialize the MariaDB. How everything ended up in my Downloads directory. In the process of the build I did find where the issue was coming from. It is actually the libhamlib-utils that puts the binaries in /usr/bin so I skipped that step.

Still having doubts, I restored from before the install, installed the 2.3 package. I went into the /usr/bin directory and removed the rig* binaries except for the wsjt-x ones (I think that should do). Upgraded using source that way everything was where I thought it needed to be. I needed to on CQRLog's first start to set TRX CTL and ROT CTL to look to /usr/loca/bin for the programs and everything looks like is working well together now.

In between my original post and now, some how my Pi card and it's backup got screwed up - so I have had to rebuild from scratch the whole thing from a base image. At least it is a lot cleaner now. :-)

Appreciate your reply!



Hi Kevin!

Hi Kevin!

Did you read this? https://www.cqrlog.com/node/3124

If you leave away word "cqrlog" from line, to be as

sudo apt-get install lazarus git

And then continue you will get cqrlog compiled and installed.

But to get it work MariaDB server, MariaDB client, Hamlib libraries and if LoTW support is desired, trustedqsl package and libssl-devel must be installed manually afterwards.

When installing (what ever version it is) cqrlog with apt-get command makes those dependencies to be installed. It makes whole job easier but then also hamlib, the old one from package, gets installed.

Main thing is that you got it working!


Upgrading CQRLOG Don't install Hamlib

As a matter of fact I did see that post. I did see that and I that is pretty much what I did, just in a backwards way. :-)

I won't know until Wednesday at latest if I am 100% sure that all of this fixed the problem as that is when I will be at the remote station to install it again. It has a different radio. But we will see.

