Elecrat K2 Rigctl

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Elecrat K2 Rigctl

I'm having trouble with Rig Controi under Ver 1.7.3 The rig cycles thru the filter when I start the program, but there is no current frequency being displayed. I checked the debug file and it looks to me like the program is setting the timeout value to the same value as the port number. Is there a configuration file where I can edit this. Here's the output from the debug file (a small portion)
RigCtldPath:/usr/bin/rigctldRigCtldArgs:-m 221 -r /dev/ttyUSB1 -t 4532  -s 4800 RunRigCtld: TRUERigDevice:  /dev/ttyUSB1RigCtldPort:4532RigCtldHost:localhostRigPoll:    1000RigSendCWR: FALSERigId:      221Starting RigCtld .../usr/bin/rigctld -m 221 -r /dev/ttyUSB1 -t 4532  -s 4800 rigctld started!Connected to localhost:4532select count(*) from cqrlog002.cqrlog_configSaving ini file to databaseDBPing - select * from cqrlog002.db_versionDBPing - select * from cqrlog002.db_versionSELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr
Any help please !
Tom - K5VJZ

Re:Elecrat K2 Rigctl

Problem Resolved


Reopen Previous Post

I need help this time.... The program connected to the radio and keyer the first day I installed it. I did not recognize the radio or the keyer the next day. The USB ports function properly with Fldigi, xLog and xDx, but not with CQRLOG.
I am still confused about the timeout being set to -t 4532 as seen in my original post...
There must be something I'm overlooking


Elecrat K2 Rigctl

I have similar problems with the 221 Hamlib rig control library for the K2. My work around is to use the 231 rig control ID for the Kenwood radios. I set the serial speed to 4800 and leave all other parameters at default. The rig does not cycle through the filters like with the 221 ID, but I'm not sure what that really does anyway. Maybe someone can explain the significance? Another issue I noticed with the 221 ID No. is that bandmap frequency changes take an incredible amount of time to register on the radio. When the radio and CQRLOG are communicating, I have waited minutes after clicking on a bandmap frequency before the radio changes frequency to match. With Rig ID 231, no such problems, but I also don't know what controls I am missing by using the Kenwood ID.
One feature I wish I would show up in CQRLOG is the power level of the radio. Not sure if it is even possibe to read K2 power output to CQRLOG,  but it would be a nice feature since I usually work at QRP levels, but occassionally increase power to accommodate a QSO.

Re; Elecraft K2 RigCtl

Hi Kevin Well, Late last night I figured out that CQRLOG just didn't work with the Elecraft K2 parameters. I switched over to the Kenwood TS-570D parameters, and presto.... Everything worked. I looked at the hamlib numbers that CQRLOG was sending to the radio, and still can't come to grips with that -t 4532 number.... To me, thats a timeout function.... But who knows You might give the TS-570D parameters a try, as that's what Elecraft recommends Anyway, thanks for sharing your experiences with me. Regards Tom - K5VJZ


Thanks Tom. Yeah, rig ID No.

Thanks Tom. Yeah, rig ID No. 231 equates to a Kenwood TS-590S. I'm no expert, but I suspect the same Hamlib library are used for both. 
I don't have any insight in your port issue. I haven't drilled that deep into my setup. It works well enough for me not to worry too much about it.

Re; Elecraft K2 RigCtl

Hi Kevin & Tom,
Also here every time when Hamlibs connect to k2 than rig make cycle through the filters.
I read somewhere that Elecraft k2 have custom filters bandwidth and Hamlib use this way to read filters bandwidth of connected rig.
73& GL
9a3jh Andrea

Re: Elecraft K2 Rigctl

Hi Andrea
Yes, this is something relatively new with the Hamlib utilities. If you want to stop the cycling of the filters and have the radio do what it's supposed to do in CQRLog, use 231 for rig control (Thanks Kevin).
The K2 with DSP does have some additional filters, but I don't know if that was the intention of cycling through the filters