Downloading from LOTW error

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Downloading from LOTW error

Many times when I download from LOTW I get this error ...
Size: 254688NOT loggedError: 104Error: Connection reset by peerError: ssl_openssl
Repeating the download usually comes right although it may take two or three tries.
Ubuntu 14.04, CQRLog ver 1.7.4-1
73 Graeme ZL2APV

ok2cqr's picture
Re: Downloading from LOTW error

Hi Graeme,
I have this problem as well. Unfortunately it's related to LoTW server. Quite often it stops sending the data and you'll get this message. Next try will work. I'm sorry, but I can't fix it.
73 Petr, OK2CQR

Re: Downloading from LOTW error

Thanks for that Petr,
I had already thought that it would likely be the LOTW server end and appreciate your confirming this.
73, Graeme ZL2APV