QSO Time

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QSO Time

Petr, is there a way to have the option for the QSO start/end time be "set by user" or "Set to now"?  Sometimes, i find that the QSO can go on for a bit and i'd like to be able to adjust time times without having to save the record.
Also, during my HRD ADIF import, it looks like all of the start/end times were set to zero minutes apart for each QSO.  Meaning if one Q started at 0700, the end time was 0700, while a different Q start time was 0730 and the end time was 0730.
Does this make sense?

ok2cqr's picture
Re: QSO Time

Recent version of cqrlog has small o'clock icon next to end time. When you click on it, it will set start time and end time to now().
If you want to edit the QSO time, you have to use Offline mode. It works even when you are entering new QSO online, after click to Offlie mode, it will allow you to modify the date and time.
CQRLOG doesn't support seconds in QSO time. Maybe that is the problem. Time imported from HRD adif was wrong?
73 Petr

QSO Time

With regards to the QSO time, I've check back through my export of ADIF file from HRD and i find that my first contact was using PSK, the QSO was a bit extensive, however, when imported into CQRLOG, the start/end time are equal to the start time of the actual QSO, the end time was never taken into consideration.  See ADIF record below from HRD:
--- HDR Export ---
<address:18>WILLIAM H STANDING <a_index:3>0.0 <ant_az:3>0.0 <ant_el:3>0.0 <band:3>20m <call:4>AC7G <cnty:7>WA,King  <cont:2>NA <country:24>United States of America <cqz:1>5 <distance:8>1838.287 <dxcc:3>291 <eqsl_qsl_rcvd:1>N  <eqsl_qsl_sent:1>N <force_init:1>N <freq:9>14.058643 <gridsquare:6>CN87vq <ituz:1>6 <k_index:3>0.0 <lat:11>N000 00.000  <lon:11>E000 00.000 <lotw_qslsdate:8>20120906 <lotw_qsl_rcvd:1>N <lotw_qsl_sent:1>Y <mode:5>PSK31 <my_city:11>Queen Creek  <my_cnty:8>Maricopa <my_gridsquare:6>DM43ef <my_lat:11>N000 00.000 <my_lon:11>E000 00.000 <my_name:15>Osiel Rodriguez  <my_postal_code:5>85142 <my_rig:19>Flex5000, Alpha9500 <my_state:7>Arizona <my_street:18>26330 S. 204th Way  <name:18>WILLIAM H STANDING <operator:5>W6OCL <pfx:3>AC7 <qslsdate:8>20100213 <qsl_rcvd:1>N <qsl_rcvd_via:1>D  <qsl_sent:1>Y <qsl_sent_via:1>D <qso_complete:1>Y <qso_random:1>N <qth:18>KIRKLAND, WA 98033 <rst_rcvd:3>599  <rst_sent:3>599 <rx_pwr:3>0.0 <sfi:3>0.0 <state:2>WA <swl:1>N <time_off:6>012326 <time_on:6>003200 <qso_date:8>20091028 <EOR>
--- CQRLOG Import ---
<ADIF_VER:5>2.2.1ADIF export from CQRLOG for Linux version 1.8.2Copyright (C) 2014 by Petr, OK2CQR and Martin, OK1RRInternet: http://www.cqrlog.com<PROGRAMID:6>CQRLOG<PROGRAMVERSION:5>1.8.2<EOH><QSO_DATE:8>20091028<TIME_ON:4>0032<CALL:4>AC7G<MODE:5>PSK31<FREQ:7>14.0586<BAND:3>20M<RST_SENT:3>599<RST_RCVD:3>599<NAME:18>WILLIAM H STANDING<QTH:18>KIRKLAND, WA 98033<QSL_SENT:1>Y<QSL_RCVD:1>N<APP_CQRLOG_QSLS:1>B<EOR>
your thoughts?

ok2cqr's picture
Re: QSO Time

I think it's all because you didn't checked these fields for export in cqrlog preferences. Go to File -> Preferences -> Export and check all fields you want to have in ADIF file.
73 Petr


This happened when Importing the ADIF from HRD into CQRLOG, not the other way around.  It looks clear like a date and time were picked up, but not sure what happened to the end time.