cqrlog crashes while editing QSOs/QSL

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cqrlog crashes while editing QSOs/QSL

I'm rtying to mark my QSO with QSL Sent buro or manager buro, but softer some edits, cqrlog crashes.
I recognized it a few times today, therefor I startet once again with debugg==1.
Any ides,what could be wrong to throw an exeption ?
(cqrlog:5268): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 1670 was not found when attempting to remove it(cqrlog:5268): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 1669 was not found when attempting to remove itselect * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate  where callsign = 'V26K'select * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate  where callsign = 'V26K'LoadForm: frmMainselect count(*) from (select distinct adif from cqrlog_main where adif <> 0 and (adif not in (2,8,19,23,25,26,28,30,39,42,44,55,57,58,59,67,68,81,85,93,101,102,113,115,119,127,128,139,151,154,155,164,178,183,184,186,193,193,194,196,198,200,208,210,218,220,226,228,229,231,243,244,255,258,261,264,267,268,271,307,488,493))) as foo select count(*) from (select distinct dxcc_id.dxcc_ref from dxcc_id left join cqrlog_main on dxcc_id.adif = cqrlog_main.adif WHERE cqrlog_main.adif<>0 and (dxcc_ref NOT LIKE '%*') AND (qsl_r = 'Q')) as fooselect * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate  where callsign = 'P49Y' LIMIT 1select * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate  where callsign = 'P49Y'select count(*) from (select distinct adif from cqrlog_main where adif <> 0 and (adif not in (2,8,19,23,25,26,28,30,39,42,44,55,57,58,59,67,68,81,85,93,101,102,113,115,119,127,128,139,151,154,155,164,178,183,184,186,193,193,194,196,198,200,208,210,218,220,226,228,229,231,243,244,255,258,261,264,267,268,271,307,488,493))) as foo select count(*) from (select distinct dxcc_id.dxcc_ref from dxcc_id left join cqrlog_main on dxcc_id.adif = cqrlog_main.adif WHERE cqrlog_main.adif<>0 and (dxcc_ref NOT LIKE '%*') AND (qsl_r = 'Q')) as foo(cqrlog:5268): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 2101 was not found when attempting to remove it(cqrlog:5268): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 2100 was not found when attempting to remove itTApplication.HandleException Access violation  Stack trace:  $0000000000420644  $0000000000480FE3  $0000000000749821  $000000000042F9E1  $00000000007C6929  $0000000000885FC5</code>
and another example:
select count(*) from (select distinct dxcc_id.dxcc_ref from dxcc_id left join cqrlog_main on dxcc_id.adif = cqrlog_main.adif WHERE cqrlog_main.adif<>0 and (dxcc_ref NOT LIKE '%*') AND (qsl_r = 'Q')) as foo(cqrlog:3313): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 5539 was not found when attempting to remove it(cqrlog:3313): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 5538 was not found when attempting to remove itselect * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate  where callsign = 'K1TO'select * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate  where callsign = 'K1TO'LoadForm: frmMainselect count(*) from (select distinct adif from cqrlog_main where adif <> 0 and (adif not in (2,8,19,23,25,26,28,30,39,42,44,55,57,58,59,67,68,81,85,93,101,102,113,115,119,127,128,139,151,154,155,164,178,183,184,186,193,193,194,196,198,200,208,210,218,220,226,228,229,231,243,244,255,258,261,264,267,268,271,307,488,493))) as foo select count(*) from (select distinct dxcc_id.dxcc_ref from dxcc_id left join cqrlog_main on dxcc_id.adif = cqrlog_main.adif WHERE cqrlog_main.adif<>0 and (dxcc_ref NOT LIKE '%*') AND (qsl_r = 'Q')) as fooDBPing - select * from cqrlog002.db_versionDBPing - select * from cqrlog002.db_versionselect * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate  where callsign = 'K1LT' LIMIT 1select * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate  where callsign = 'K1LT'select count(*) from (select distinct adif from cqrlog_main where adif <> 0 and (adif not in (2,8,19,23,25,26,28,30,39,42,44,55,57,58,59,67,68,81,85,93,101,102,113,115,119,127,128,139,151,154,155,164,178,183,184,186,193,193,194,196,198,200,208,210,218,220,226,228,229,231,243,244,255,258,261,264,267,268,271,307,488,493))) as foo select count(*) from (select distinct dxcc_id.dxcc_ref from dxcc_id left join cqrlog_main on dxcc_id.adif = cqrlog_main.adif WHERE cqrlog_main.adif<>0 and (dxcc_ref NOT LIKE '%*') AND (qsl_r = 'Q')) as foo(cqrlog:3313): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 6142 was not found when attempting to remove it(cqrlog:3313): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 6141 was not found when attempting to remove itTApplication.HandleException Access violation  Stack trace:  $0000000000420644  $0000000000487F44  $00000000005BA6BF  $00000000007EB49E  $00000000005BA35B  $0000000000748F02  $00000000007489FB  $000000000074898D  $0000000000450496  $00000000007223C3  $0000000000722305  $000000000072545A  $000000000042F9E1  $00000000007217A4  $000000000082E231  $000000000088AC27  $0000000000811F05
Any help or workaround would be appreciatet.

cqrlog crashes while editing QSOs/QSL

this bug seems to happens only, after using search Ctrl-F in QSO List. I was using Ctrl-F to find and mark my outgoing QSL, when it was crashing after a few searches. Not sure, what other side effexts are happening.
As a workaround, I changed my way of marking outgoing QSL. Instead of search Ctrl-F, I'm now first sorting by Call and then using pg up / pg dwn to find the right QSO.
73's Rolf