My CQRLOG crashed. (Was not CQRLOG's fault, was another programm).
I was adding a new log, while the system crashed. Now, i have a Log-Number, but no database. I can NOT delete it or use it. What can i do? I want to delete it.
(It's Log-No.: #3)
Debug (cqrlog --debug=1) message is:
......(other things like user directory.....
......or ZIP code directory....)
TConnection to MySQL: 5.5
150516 13:07:32 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.5.43-0ubuntu0.14.10.1) starting as process 7780 ...
select * from tables where table_schema = 'cqrlog_common'
SELECT log_nr,log_name FROM cqrlog_common.log_list order by log_nr
TApplication.HandleException : Error executing query: Can't drop database 'cqrlog003'; database doesn't exist
Stack trace:
$0000000000769106 $00000000007699E9 $0000000000769009 $000000000042F9F1 $000000000072A0E4 $000000000081A845
Thanks! 73... Chris
Hi Chris,
please open CQRLOG and the console and enter this:
mysql -S ~/.config/cqrlog/database/sock
it will open mysql console. Now enter these commands:
use cqrlog_common;
delete from log_list where log_nr=3;
73 Petr, OK2CQR
ok... now, i have a real problem.. the files aren't on my system.... the loglist-file..Yesterday, i have seen the files, but i didn't delete anyfiles. i do a rebuild?
I'm sorry I didn't know you are using database on another machine. I suppose you can insert the same commands into QSO list window --> Filter -> SQL console. Insert this:
delete from cqrlog_common.log_list where log_nr=3
and hit green play button. It should work as well and maybe it's even easier than my previous how-to.
73 Petr
Thank you... but CQRLOG doesn't start. The first screen/window where i can select a log shows this error message:
: Error executing query: Table 'cqrlog_common.log_list' doesn't exist.Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.Press Cancel to kill the program.
Yesterday there was two active logs and a 3. not-active log. The 3. log i would like to delete. I wasn't able to do it. This was why i asked the first time.
I didn't delete any files. Now, i have the error and the list is empty.Yesterday i have seen the files, but I didn't do anything with the files. Now, the cqrlog_common.log_list isn't on the system and otherfiles, too.
Fixed it! Installed CQRLOG on another PC... and copied the files log_list.* to target system.
when i start cqrlog,I get the following message:
Error executing querry
Cant create table
I have overwritten the orginal cqrlog folder with this from my notebook,because i have setup my system completely.
Who can help??
please run cqrlog with --debug=1 parameter. It will write more info to the terminal window and there should be also the reason why the allert table couldn't be created.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
here is what i get::
CREATE TABLE call_alert (
callsign varchar(20) NOT NULL,
band varchar(6) NULL,
mode varchar(6) NULL
) COLLATE 'utf8_bin';
when I click ok program starts and I can use it
73 Günter,DC0EV
Please run cqrlog, open QSO list window, in the Filter menu choose SQL console.
Into console enter this:
show tables;
and click to green play icon on the top. On the bottom should be list of existing talbes. Is there call_alert table?
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Hello Petr,
I followed your instructions,but there is no call_alert-table.I only found a call_alert.ibd in the database-folder.
73 Guenter,DC0EV