Online Log, Deleting of non existing QSO

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Online Log, Deleting of non existing QSO

Not sure, if it is a bug.
For some reason, one QSO was not uploaded to
After some modifications to this and some more QSOs, I want to upload all Changes to all Logs. The script tries to delete the non existing QSO on HRDLog, fails because of non existing QSO Failure from the Website and stops uploading. No more QSOs could be uploaded to HRDLog because it first tries to delete the non existing Entry, couldn′t do that and stopped.
After making the Log Entry on the Website, the upload worked again. But I think, Skipping the upload after such an Error is better than stopping all activity. Or even better: If the modified QSO is not on the Online Log (Network Error, non responding Website for example), upload it as a new QSO.
