why use MySQL database for the program ?
when i go in the shell, on the MySQL console, i don't see a database for CQRlog...
"show databases;" don't show me any cqrlog database.
This question because i want to do a little documentation in French in my website. This is to help and promote cqrlog in the french ham community.
Tks, 73
ok, i suppose you to use MySQL for the query language
Before the version 1.0 has been released, CQRLOG used Firebird database to store the data. Unfortunately, the Firebird database was not in all repositories. CQRLOG also supported only one database for one callsign.
With version 1.0 CQRLOG was rewritten to use MySQL as a database because it's widely used and packages are in all distribution. CQRLOG runs own instance of MySQL database on port 64000 when start and ends it when is closed. That is the reason why you don't see the cqrlog databases in default MySQL console. If you want to use a MySQL console to access CQRLOG database, run cqrlog, open a terminal and enter this command:
mysql -S ~/.config/cqrlog/database/sock
unfortunately, show database doesn't work :(. There databases like cqrlogXXX, where XXX is a number of the database in the list e.g. the first database is cqrlog0001. There is also the cqrlog_common database to store common data like IOTA, DXCC list etc.
If you want, you can also store data to own server instead of saving data to local machine.
When I was working on CQRLOG 1.0 I also tried to use sqlite but it didn't work because I needed many threads accessing the same database.
73 Petr, OK2CQR