TX5T is a reissued call. Now on Raivavae Isl., Austral Isl. (FO/A), in 2006 Mayotte (FH). I am unable to enter TX5T with proper zones, beam headings, distance, sunrise/sunset etc. because CQRlog persistently uses the data from my previous QSO with TX5T on FH. Only the DXCC country info is displayed correctly with correct indicator DXCC Ref. - DXCC Ref. FO(A). I played around preferences but there is no way to get correct data. On the other side I find very useful and comfortable the feature 'copying data from previous QSO'. which should be kept untouched.
The only problem is that deletion of all data coming from previous QSO does not force logger to accept data from country files. If all fields, namely Grid are empty, the logger SHOULD RETURN to the data from country files!
I am responsible for the country files, so I must confirm that all TX5T entries have correct 'from-to' timespan. It seems that CQRlog does not respond to timespan data correctly. It is a bug!
Rem.: possibly all ambiguous prefixes have a most probable default. There are some rare exceptions without defaults - in such cases the zones and DXCC Ref. should remain empty as well as whole DXCC Info (where are located zones, beam heading, sunrise/sunset etc.).
Martin, OK1RR
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