Thanks for the new version.Work well (eqsl down).
Using here ubuntu 18.04 lts with jtdx 2.1.0 140
but just sometime no report in the log (cqrlog) after log qso with jtdx ?
Best regards from F1MXE Didier.
There are currently 2 users online.
with image of the log with no report.
Sorry for the inconvenience, god with this these parameters:
second picture
Thanks for the new version.
Is there any possibility to have the .deb file made available also for Raspberry PI3 (ARM, 32 bits), as it was there for the previous version ? The main need is to have the eQSL upload path change managed...
Best Regards, 73
Agreed. Version for ARM architecture needed here too please or may be instructions on how to compile for ARM.
Andy G7OFC
Hello, I had the same problem with eQSL so I dit try to compile the new version on my PI4.
I have followed the instructions found on www.cqrlog.com/faq and everything is working fab!
Here are the instructions I used (from the faq page):
Don't forget to take a backup and rename the old file first. If anything wend wrong you still have a fallback option...
sudo apt-get install git lazarus-ide lcl lcl-gtk2 lcl-nogui lcl-units lcl-utils lazarus lazarus-doc lazarus-src fp-units-misc fp-units-rtl fp-utils fpc fpc-source libssl-dev git clone https://github.com/ok2cqr/cqrlog.git
cd cqrlog
sudo make install
I just changed build architectures in cqrlog ppa and added ARM ARMv8 (arm64), so next version of cqrlog should be created by Launchpad also for Raspberry Pi.
73 Petr
Hello Petr and Danny,
My attemp to build cqrlog last version over Raspberry pi4 and pi3
(where the previous version, installed from .deb, runs well) from sources was apparently successful (program starts and QTH data are requested), but after this, the database access failed because CQRLOG searches mysql database .so libraries but in Raspbian only Mariadb is available from standard repository and for some reasons it's not accessed.
Just for having a clear landscape, may I ask if someone knows how to build correctly on Raspberrypi 3 or 4 or if using toolchain is the unique way for getting cqrlog working on this hardware ?
A general technical scenario regarding this topic is surely of interest.
I wonder that this topic is quite interesting for several hams using pi as QTH system.
Any help will be strongly appreciated
Best regards, 73
Just tried installing CQRLOG thru apt-get on my update Pi 3B+, and got an older version. How do I access your repository with version 2.4.0 for arm?
Bill WK2X
Hi Danny,
Many thanks for your efforts in compiling for the RPi. After my posting I did have a go at compiling on my RPi3 using the instructions in the README.md file. To be honest, I am not a software person so beyond being able to follow a set of instructions I have no idea what is going on and why. Unsurprisingly then, my compile attempt failed.
Is there any chance that you might be able to make your build publicly available please? Would it work on the RPi 3 and was it Stretch or Buster that it was compiled on?
Kindest Regards
Andy G7OFC
Hello Andy
I have put the bin file from my PI4 - Buster on Wetransfer. Be advised, the link only stays active for 1 week.
On my PI4 the file is located in /usr/bin. First rename or move the original file to cqrlog.old (or something else) and then put the new bin in that directory. I'll hope it works for you!
73's - Danny
Hi Danny,
That's fantastic! Very many thanks for taking the time to do this. I've been testing it out over the last couple of hours with WSJT-X and it seems to be working just fine.
Kindest Regards
Andy G7OFC
Hi Danny.
Thank you for posting your instructions on compiling V 2.4 for RPi. I was able to follow them and compile it on my Odroid XU4.
Carl - WC4H
actually unresolved problem, still a problem sending sent report information received while saving qso between jtdx / wsjt and cqrlog!
i don't understand where is the problem.....sorry.
my problem.
no communication between with the liste of qso, no report send receive ????
I have compiled binary file for (64bit linux) JTDX fix. It is same as 2.4.0(001) but has JTDX fix added.
You will find it from http://www.saunalahti.fi/~sakny/bin/cqrlog2/cqr240JTDX.zip
Close cqrlog
Download zip to /tmp folder.
After that open console and give:
cd /tmp
unzip /tmp/cqr240JTDX.zip
cp -a ~/.config/cqrlog ~/.config/cqrlog_save
sudo cp /usr/bin/cqrlog /usr/bin/cqrlog_old
sudo cp /tmp/cqrlog /usr/bin/cqrlog
I will explain lines above (in order):
move to folder /tmp
extract downloaded file cqr240JTDX.zip it will result file cqrlog to /tmp directory
make backup copy of your logs an settings to folder ~/.config/cqrlog_save
make backup copy of cqrlog binary to /usr/bin/cqrlog_old
copy cqrlog extracted from zip to /usr/bin
If something goes wrong you can restore old system with commands:
cp -a ~/.config/cqrlog_save ~/.config/cqrlog
sudo cp /usr/bin/cqrlog_old /usr/bin/cqrlog
In case you want to validate zip to make sure it is original the sha256sum can be calculated as shown and should give result as follows:
[saku@hamtpad tmp]$ sha256sum cqr240JTDX.zip
dc46fc9d53504bf601a647a22ecb5ff583b4369d83348f23bc5698e6170dddb4 cqr240JTDX.zip
After you have started cqrlog you should see date 2019-10-29 at the bottom left corner of "QSO list". That is the only difference between official 2.4.0(001) in addition of the jtdx fix.
Test JTDX logging and tell how it works.
It is good to have some tester reports more before I pull request this fix.
I do not have JTDX and there is no installation package for Fedora30 at JTDX web page and I can not compile it from source code as my Fedora30 has different version of Fortran compiler than JTDX programmers use.
This is known problem with JTDX !
We just cleared out the reason with Mirek so5wd. Unfortunately just a day too late to get in into new version of cqrlog.
Reason is that JTDX sends logging UDP packet (#5) without standard wsjt-x contest mode fields. It causes overflow of decoding packet and it makes randomly missing reports.
If you can compile there is branch in my GitHUb https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog/tree/jtdx2 that has fixed version not yet pull requested to Petr's GitHub.
Try the installation under Kubuntu 16.04 (Disco).
73, Wolfgang
Hi Wolfgang!
According to messages you get you should install those dependencies as it seems that using dpkg does not do that by itself.
My guess (I'm Fedora user) is:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev mariadb-client libmariadbclient-dev
After that try dpkg with cqrlog_2.4.0-1~disco_amd64.deb again.
There is no need to install dependencies by hand. Just use
sudo dpkg -i cqrlog_2.4.0-1~disco_amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f
The dpkg command will fail because of dependencies but the second command will solve it and cqrlog will be installed. Or you can just add cqrlog repository from Launchpad and use software center to install it. Much easier.
73 Petr
73, Wolfgang
If you are using Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/*buntu there is no need to install MariaDB at all. MySQL is officialy supported and will work with CQRLOG without any problem. Just remove both MySQL and MariaDB and use cqrlog repository from Launchpad. It will install all necessary dependencies.
In fact same problem of sending or receiving reports (ex: -05 +04) with wsjt-x and jtdx mode ft8 / ft4 with the new version.i had no problems with the previous version.
how to return old version, i am using ubuntu 1804lts ?
Didier F1MXE
You should not go back to old version it has so many bugs elsewhere.
Install binary file using instructions I told in message:
It is NOT difficult. And it will repair JTDX logging.
Hello Wolfgang,
this is the problem but I do not know how to fix it ....
f1mxe@f1mxe-All-Series:~$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev mariadb-client libmariadbclient-dev
[sudo] Mot de passe de f1mxe :
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
libssl-dev est déjà la version la plus récente (1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.4).
libssl-dev passé en « installé manuellement ».
libmariadbclient-dev est déjà la version la plus récente (1:10.1.41-0ubuntu0.18.04.1).
libmariadbclient-dev passé en « installé manuellement ».
Certains paquets ne peuvent être installés. Ceci peut signifier
que vous avez demandé l'impossible, ou bien, si vous utilisez
la distribution unstable, que certains paquets n'ont pas encore
été créés ou ne sont pas sortis d'Incoming.
L'information suivante devrait vous aider à résoudre la situation :
Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites :
mariadb-client : Dépend: mariadb-client-10.1 (>= 1:10.1.41-0ubuntu0.18.04.1) mais ne sera pas installé
E: Impossible de corriger les problèmes, des paquets défectueux sont en mode « garder en l'état ».
f1mxe@f1mxe-All-Series:~$ ^C
Hi, Petr,
I use 19.04 (Dosko), not 16,04 (Disco), sorry.
After your post I executed
sudo dpkg -i cqrlog_2.4.0-1~disco_amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f
"sudo apt install -f" ends with
After removing CQRLOG 2.4.0, version 2.3.0 from the package sources no longer runs. This is displayed during installation:
MySQL has been frozen to prevent damage to your system. Please see /etc/mysql/FROZEN for help.
I then rebuilt the system from an image and continue to use version 2.3.0.
73, Wolfgang
Excellent newS Saku !
Thank you for your patience, your explanations and for your dedication. Work fine now with:
cd / tmp
Décompressez /tmp/cqr240JTDX.zip
cp -a ~ / .config / cqrlog ~ / .config / cqrlog_save
sudo cp / usr / bin / cqrlog / usr / bin / cqrlog_old
sudo cp / tmp / cqrlog / usr / bin / cqrlog
Didier F1MXE
Hi, Petr,
I have upgraded a second system from Kubuntu 19.04 to 19.10.
However, I aborted the attempt to uninstall Mysql and Mariadb, because the installer should be uninstalled a large part of the system additionally.
Then I updated from CQRLOG 2.3.0 to CQRLOG 2.4.0 via the repository.
The update ended in a chaos of unfulfillable dependencies. CQRLOG could not be started because the file "mysql.cfg" could not be read.
I then copied the backup image back and will upgrade to 19.10 without CQRLOG, as the risk of destroying my system during installation is too great for me.
It might be good to show a way to install the package safely. The users of CQRLOG are radio amateurs and not system programmers or database experts.
Thank you very much.
73, Wolfgang
Yes, that would be great if I would know how to upgrade safely. I always test installation on clean system after Ubuntu install. Testing upgrade is almost impossible because every user has different set of packages installed. If you know, how to test upgrades and define better package dependencies, help is really appreciated.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Hi Petr,
i understand the problems. Unfortunately, I am only a user with a little experience with Linux. Why this doesn't work I couldn't find out yet, because I lack any experience with mysql databases. On occasion I will install a fresh Kubuntu 19.10 in a VirtualBox and try to get on with it.
Would it perhaps be a way to compile CQRLOG as AppImage? But I can't judge it.
But thanks for your engagement with CQRLOG.
73, Wolfgang
I'm trying to use cqrlog on a just installed Ubuntu Mate 18.04.3, installed on an older Dell Notebook Latitude E4310. When I installed cqrlog with older Version of this System, I used copy and past to copy the command from the download site into my terminal and all works fine. Now, after confirming my password, the terminal gets frozen. This is new, and I have no idea what happens.
Is there someone with the same observation or any idea what I can do?
73, Hardy
the installation of version 2.4.0 works under Kubuntu 19.04, if version 2.3.0 from the Ubuntu package sources is installed before and then the installation is overwritten with the binaries.
Installing the binaries without first installing version 2.3.0 from the Ubuntu repositories does not work.
Under Kubuntu 19.10 the binaries installation alone does not work. The installation of version 2.3.0 from the Ubuntu 19.10 sources does not work either.
The installation from the CQRLOG repository does not work under Kubuntu 19.10 either.
It always fails because of a "TMySQL57Connection : Error ...". An access to the database is not possible.
The hint
Please don't forget to install MySQL server, MySQL client, Hamlib libraries and if LoTW support is desired, trustedqsl package and libssl-devel must be installed.
has been noted, but is probably incomplete.
Can anyone trace that under 19.04 or 19.10? Can anyone specify which specific dependencies need to be installed before installing the binaries? Unfortunately, I can't determine this here.
There seems to be a conflict between "mysql" and "mariadb". Ubuntu has "mysql" pre-installed by default.
73, Wolfgang
at my side cqrlog 2.4.0 is now running. After hours of "try and error", because I'm only a "plug in" user with low experience in linux programming. I guess I destoied my system more than 10 times and had to install it new. But now to my solution:
First of all, I use the cqrlog only for logging without any links to other devices.
My Ubuntu Mate 18.04.3LTS is installed on an older Dell Latitude E4310.
Installation from cqrlog launchpad does not work, see my post above.
Upgrade from an older version from cqrlog launchpad does not work, in both cases the add command to the launchpad doesn't work.
I'll did the following steps:
1. Installed myqsl-server
2. Installed myqsl-client
3. Downloaded the .tar.gz package "Complete application directory for other distributions"
with Engrampa and unpacked it in the root of my homefolder. There I've got a folder "cqrlog-2.4.0"
4. In the subfolder /usr/bin I found a file cqrlog and linked it to my desktop.
5. Now I tried to start cqrlog and get the message "mysql connection failed".
6. Installed the cqrlog package from the Ubuntu link "sudo apt.get install cqrlog". This installed
Version of cqrlog (2.0.5) starts without delay and without connection failure.
7. Now I tried to start the version 2.4.0 again and it works, please don't ask me why.
I'm shure, this solution is not the cleanest one, but for me it works until the normally install or upgrade link works again.
If there are questions, please ask.
73 de Hardy
Hi Hardy!
You have good steps, but let me suggest some changes:
You have folder "cqrlog-2.4.0" in your root of your homefolder.
There you see folders usr/bin and usr/share they are meant to be located to system root /
How ever the folder usr/bin holds just one file cqrlog
You can copy it with console command to right place:
sudo cp ~/cqrlog-2.4.0/usr/bin/cqrlog /usr/bin
You need "sudo" to have rights to copy to /usr/bin folder. That copying overwrites the existing cqrlog file there and so your 2.4.0 starts from same start menu item as the older cqrlog that you installed from cqrlog package (step 6)
You can also install the rest from the .tar.gz package giving a console command:
sudo cp -a ~/cqrlog-2.4.0/usr/share /usr/share
The most interesting part there are the help files. If you want to update only them then replace above line with this:
sudo cp -a ~/cqrlog-2.4.0/usr/share/cqrlog/help /usr/share/cqrlog/
Why your instructions works is that you installed old cqrlog from package. That sets all needed dependencies.
New cqrlog 2.4.0 needs just the file cqrlog (/usr/bin/cqrlog) changed if the old version has been working before.
Of course it is good to update the /usr/share/cqrlog/help also so that when you open help from cqrlog you have all new features supported by the help.
As I have said here before If cqrlog is running ok the easiest way to update a new version (in almost 99,9% cases) is to load the .tar.gz package "Complete application directory for other distributions", extract it to somewhere (/tmp folder is good place) and then copy just the cqrlog file from there to /usr/bin
Of course copying of help files too is recommended.
Hi Saku,
first of all thanks a lot for the excellent work you and the others of the team are doing for all of us. Maybe there is a missunderstanding by the location "root of my homefolder" better I schould say "root of my userfolder", I mean the folder /home/hardy/ in my case. Thanks for all the explanations, but now I be happy with my running logbook. I'm the only one who works with it and so I'll wait untill your site is maintained, so I am able to work with the command lines on cqrlog.com. I will learn step by step to be more familiar with linux and will realy understand what I'm doing. Now I leave it as it is, because "never touch a running system" :-)).
Best wishes and have a nice day
73 de Hardy
No no!
I understood that you extract the tar.gz to user home folder.
But as you see from /home/hardy/cqrlog-2.4.0/ folder there is next usr/bin and usr/share and when you "move" them to system root that is the "/" then files go to right places /usr/bin/cqrlog and /usr/share/cqrlog (+ other folders)
So if the tar.gz file is extracted to systemroot "/" and the leading folder cqrlog-2.4.0/ is stripped away all files go to their right places directly.
But if you are happy now you do not have to do anything !
Just enjoy!
Hi, Petr,
I have freshly installed a Kubuntu 19.10. Here the installation of version 2.4.0 via the CQRLOG repository works fine. But which user uses a freshly installed system?
In a working system the installation only works if the directory "/var/lib/mysql" is deleted when uninstalling mysql* / mariadb* beforehand. But I don't know which application data (appointments, addresses, ...) would be lost. I have used a working system here that I can restore via an image.
When uninstalling mysql/mariadb, other packages are also uninstalled, which have to be reinstalled afterwards.
Maybe you should test the installation via the repository if the directory "/var/lib/mysql" with data exists in the test system.
Here is the content of the local directory:
Unfortunately, I cannot estimate whether deleting this directory makes sense and which data will be lost.
73, Wolfgang
Hi Petr,
after many hours I managed to upgrade my working system from Kububtu 19.04 to 19.10 and replace "mysql" with "mariadb". After that the update of CQRLOG 2.4.0 works via the CQRLOG repository.
In this context, the clublog upload problem no longer occurred.
Overall, the installation problems are unsatisfactory. Whether it makes sense to include more and more DigiMode functions in CQRLOG without fundamentally improving the software basis is up to the developers.
I wish CQRLOG that the software can still be installed and used in the future.
73, Wolfgang
Hi all,
I'm trying to upgrade cqrlog on my raspberry pi 3B+ to version 2.4. I read all the instructions above. Manely I tried the hints from comment #7. Unfortunatly I get some error messages:
Package clone could not be found.
Package https://github.com/ok2cqr could not be found.
On https://github.com/ok2cqr no package could be found.
and so on... (I translated the messages because I get them in german)
Since I am an absolut beginner in linux (or rasbian) I am confused at this point.
Could please somebody tell me, what to do to get 2.4 on my system?
73 de Rico, DG5BQ
Yes will be nice! To get a update *.deb for the raspi users .... the simcard is always to smal, i dont want there install the compled software for build from source.
I‘was try the ppa repository ,... at the current raspberry version buster. But dont work ... :-(
root@RigPI:/home/pi# add-apt-repository ppa:ok2cqr/ppa
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository", line 95, in
sp = SoftwareProperties(options=options)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/SoftwareProperties.py", line 109, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/SoftwareProperties.py", line 599, in reload_sourceslist
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aptsources/distro.py", line 93, in get_sources
(self.id, self.codename))
aptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template for Raspbian/buster
I have the same issue today. How do we properly add the PPA for this to our raspberry pi? It looks like the given ppa only supports ubuntu distros, and not raspbian ones.
I am still waiting for a possibility to easyly update CQRLOG for the raspberry pi. I really like this app but without eqsl upload it is terrible. So please ....
This is a request for anyone who able to compile latest source from github with Raspberry pi.
Please put the resulted binary file "cqrlog" to a web folder where other users can download it.
If user has perfectly running older version in PI then upgrading is only copying that new binary file to /usr/bin folder.
In case of Raspberry it is very easy to do full system backup by copying whole SD card to another one in a PC that has SD slot. Then whole system is in safe place.
So updating by copying just binary file is safe way to try. Just remember to do the backup first!
Here's how you build it for Raspberry Pi (clean install of latest OS with all updates, etc):
Note that I'm not going to run the database on the PI. I use MariaDB on another server for my database. I only mention this because I'm not installing the MariaDB/MySQL server packages here. This is purely a description of how to build the CQRLOG client.
The dependencies for compilation can get long and confusing. In the interest of just getting the job done I choose to install more packages than required. I'm sure they could be pared down to just the essentials, but storage is cheaper than the time spent trying to figure the precise dependencies out.
#First we get the dependencies
sudo apt-get install lcl*2.0 lazarus*2.0 fp*3.0.4 fpc*3.0.4 libssl-dev git build-essential libmariadbclient-dev
#Next we do a kludge so CQRLOG finds the db client libraries it needs
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libmariadbclient.so /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so
#Finally, we do the build and cleanup
git clone https://github.com/ok2cqr/cqrlog.git
cd cqrlog
sudo make install
cd ..
rm -rf cqrlog*
And that's it. You're done. Typing cqrlog at the prompt will start the program.
If you want to run the database locally, just install the database server packages. If you want rig control, install the hamlib packages.
I just tried to follow your instuctions. Unfortunately it doesn't work. After entering the lines of the first step it works a lot and asks me if I would like to continue. When I select 'yes' it simply aboards the process.
Any idea what I do wrong?
Now it worked.
When I entered the commands by hand WITHOUT copy/paste everything worked fine.
Thank you very much!
I was just setting up a brand new Pi to test and make sure everything was correct in the instructions!
If you need the database to run on the pi, I think the only package needed is 'mariadb-server'.
Glad it all worked out! Have fun!
Actually I even installed 'over' an existing installation of cqrlog 2.3.0. The new version recognized all the settings and connection to the database with my old log.