rigctrld in /usr/local/bin/

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dd0ul's picture
rigctrld in /usr/local/bin/


very strange phenomenon: cqrlog works with the "normal" rigctld from the Debian package without any problems.
Now I have installed and configured the Hamlib version of DL3SD (support for the TH-D74) to / usr/local/bin/.
This only works if cqrlog is started from bash. If I call cqrlog from the application menu or via "ALT F2" the rigctrld is not started.

Any hint?

73 de Micha, DD0UL

rigctrld in /usr/local/bin/

Check NewQso/file/preferences/trx control what is the file path for rigctld.
Add "/local" between default "/usr/bin" if required.

In your message you have space "/ usr" is it also in preferences? Should be "/usr"


dd0ul's picture
it's running now - dont know why

Moin Saku,

thanks for your answer.

Sorry for confusing you with a wrong / usr. That happened when I edited my text several times. In NewQso/file/preferences/trx control everything was fine (even the Radio Type TH-D74) and it worked, as long as cqrlog was startet out of the console, but not from the system menu.

While searching the problem (stripping the binary, playing around with a startscript to debug it, even some calls with strace) - nothing to find.
But suddenly it works. Starting from the application menu, cqrlog also starts the rigctrld. Not understandable to me, but actually I'm just happy that it works.

vy 73 de Micha, DD0UL

rigctrld in /usr/local/bin/

Hi Micha!
You are talking about script. For what? Rigctld can be started only once, so if script starts it cqrlog's "run when program starts" can not start another rigctld. Then also the rigctld path and settings are meaningless in preferences. Only rig model should then be #2 net rigctld in preferences if rigctld is started with script before cqrlog.

Also if rigctld was left running from previous tests a new one does not start. You must do " killall rigctld" in script before starting it again to be sure there are no previous threads running.
These came in to my mind...


dd0ul's picture
Moin Saku,

Moin Saku,

it is really strange. There was no rigctld in the background (I made a video for my Youtube channel and filmed the desktop therefor while I configured cqrlog with /usr/local/bin/rigctrld. I was just checking the mp4 again what I was doing .....).
The idea with the script was: When cqrlog is started via the Application Menu, I see no STDERR, no parameters, etc.). So the idea was: A wrapper script that does nothing but start cqrlog and write STDOUT and STDERR into files. So maybe I would have recognized where the problem is. But that didn't work (I don't really remember why anymore, I had tested so much before I posted on this forum).

It always works now. It's actually a good thing :-)
BTW: Thank you for using rigctld with cqrlog instead of including the Hamlib. Because then you (or I) would have to compile cqrlog with every new version against the extended Hamlib with the support for the TH-D74.

73 de Micha, DD0UL