Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

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Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
64 bit system

Two radios:
Elecraft K3
Yaesu FT-897

Rig control works for whichever radio I put in Radio one, but switching to Radio two does not work. Nothing happens, CQRLOG remains with Radio one.

libhamlib-utils and libhamlib2 are both installed

The "Run rigctld when program starts" box is checked for both Radio one and Radio two.

Am I just missing something?

Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two


First of all: what is the cqrlog version?

You could start cqrlog from console with:
cqrlog debug=1 > /tmp/debug.txt
Switch rigs once, close cqrlog and add /tmp/debug.txt to you next message.


Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two


Thanks for your reply.

I'm running CQRLOG 2.4 on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS on 64 bit system

I uploaded /tmp/debug.txt


Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

Thanks for debug.
It looks good, but I can not see rig switch happen. Seems like file is cut before end.

Please set polling rate to 5000, start cqrlog again with debug, when rig shows frequency switch rigs from TRXControl, wait at least 10sec then close cqrlog. With poll rate 5000 for both rigs there should be less "fmv" lines in debug, but things happen more slowly.


Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

Here's the latest debug, with polling rate set to 5000 for Radio one and Radio two:


Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

I still can not see radio change from debug.

These kind of lines:

RigCtldArgs:-m 229 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -t 4532 -s 9600 --set-conf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=1,serial_parity=None,serial_handshake=None,dtr_state=OFF,rts_state=OFF
RunRigCtld: TRUE
RigDevice: /dev/ttyUSB0
RigPoll: 5000
RigId: 229

Starting RigCtld ...

Should appear to debug every time you switch rigs from radio1 / radio2 buttons from bottom of NewQSO/Window/TRXControl window.

You can also start cqrlog from command line as:
cqrlog debug=1
And look at command window what happens when you play with radio1/radio2 buttons of TRXControl window.

There should be notable change.

I tested this now with this laptop and simulated rigs, but 2 real rigs are working with my ham shack computer at home.

I'm running alpha test version of cqrlog on both PCs. If you like to test with it look at:

Readme tells how to install alpha upgrade.



I spent quite a bit of time running cqrlog debug= 1 and looking at the results before I brought my problem to the forum. I was looking for the same things you mentioned, but saw nothing like that. The switch never takes place. Whichever radio I put in Radio one works just fine. The only differences between my Radio one and Radio two are the fact that they are two different xcvrs, the device numbers ,ttyUSB0 in Radio one and ttyUSB2 in Radio two, and the port numbers, 4532 for Radio one and 4533 for Radio two. Both radios are running when I try to switch.

One question is: Is there some step I'm missing or a parameter that I'm not setting or have set wrong?

I'll try testing with the alpha test version. I'm not familiar with the process, so this may take a while.

Thanks for your patience.

Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

Hi !
I think there is nothing else but you are using port 4533 for other radio two.

Try to change it to 14532 (or some other big number)
Rotctld uses 4533 as default, so it is not good one for rig.

Alpha update is easy. There is a script to run. Just follow instructions.


Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two


I changed the port number for Radio to 14532 and even tried some other numbers, e.g., 65066, but that made no difference.

I then used your script to install the alpha test binaries (your script worked great!). I ran that, watched cqrlog come up in Radio one, attempted to change to Radio two, and nothing happened.

Since you are successfully running two radios, I must be doing something wrong, or not doing something I should!

The enclosed debug file contains two run of cqrlog. In the first run both radios are turned on. I came up in Radio one, then attempted to start Radio two, and failed.

The following run was with Radio one turned off, and Radio two turned on. When cqrlog came up I attempted to stwitch to Radio two, to no avail.


PA1SBM's picture
Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

What you could do is to rename the cqrlog folder in your home folder. Its in .config
you will not see it in "files" unless you activate "show hidden files and folders"

When you renamed it to for example cqrlog.old, start cqrlog again ....
It will have no settings/db etc. It wil create a new cqrlog folder and DB.
Just add your station info, and your tranceivers. See if it works then

To get your previous settings back , delete the new cqrlog folder and rename the cqrlog.old back to cqrlog

PA1SBM's picture
Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

The thing is, whether your settings are correct or not, it should switch between radio 1 and 2 at all times for as far as i remember.

Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two


Tested again with official cqrlog from Fedora repository and with my alpha test one.
Results are same with both. Working.

Double check that you do not have any errors in radio1 and radio2 setups. I did now have and that caused just error where other radio, in my case radio1 did not start After fixing the typo both radios started up and showed all lines properly in debug.

After switching radio from TRXControl button you could try also restart rigctld from "NewQSO/File/Refresh TRX/ROT control". Every time it is used new rigctld start should be seen at debug dump.

Because you use "Run rigctld at program start" there is no need to give different port numbers to radio1 and radio2. You can use 4532 for both as rigctld is always killed and restarted when radio changes.

If you start two instances of rigctld from command line, or cron script, before starting cqrlog and use rig model "2" Net hamlib rigctld" for both radios in cqrlog config then you have to use different port numbers for radios (in cqrlog cfg and rigctld parameters) to separate them.


Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

Good morning!

Results are same here even with running the alpha test cqrlog; nothing attached to Radio two works. I even did a complete new install on another system, but got the same results.

If there are errors in my TRX Radio two section I don't see them. In any case I've moved all the settings from Radio two (FT-897), placed them into Radio one, and they work just fine.

It doesn't matter which radio is in Radio two; when I try to switch to Radio two all that comes up on the debug is these same four lines:

SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = -1
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr

What's more, if I unplug the USB cable from Radio two, and try to switch to it, I get the same four lines. It's as if the port, /dev/ttyUSB1, that's specified for Radio two is not being recognized. I tried switching ports between Radio one and Radio two, but only whatever port is in Radio one works.

Do you know what the messages above mean?

I did switch the port to 4532 as you suggested.

It's beginning to look like I'm just going to have to live without being able to switch radios.

Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

It seems not that there is something we ( I ) do not recognize. It can't be a big thing.

One way to get two rigs is to:
Open cqrlog and modify radio settings so that both radios are type 2 "Hamlib Net rigctlld". First one uses port 4532 and second uses 14532.
Device can be empty for both and all selections can be "default". "Run rigctld at program start" must be UNCHECKED for both radios.
Close cqrlog.

Start two rigctlds from script or manually from command line before cqrlog.
Start first rigctld with first radio parameters from command line. Use standard port 4532. Add the end of line " &" (space and &) as last letters.
After pressing enter you should get prompt back.
Now make telnet localhost 4532 and try with "f" to get frequency. "q" to quit telnet.
If it is ok then start second rigctld with second rig parameters using tcp port 14532. put again " &" as last letters of the line.
When you get prompt again back start now telnet to localhost 14532.
Try "f" and if frequency is ok from second rig you have now all ready so far.

Failing at this point has nothing to do with cqrlog. But if ok, open cqrlog. Now your radios should be available as radio1 and radio2. That is the way I use it at ham shack setup.

Here is my test with two dummy rigs (-m1):

[saku@tpad ~]$ rigctld -m1 -t4532 &
[1] 3729
[saku@tpad ~]$ telnet localhost 4532
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
[saku@tpad ~]$ rigctld -m1 -t14532 &
[2] 3760
[saku@tpad ~]$ telnet localhost 14532
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
[saku@tpad ~]$ ps ax | grep rigctld
3729 pts/0 S 0:00 rigctld -m1 -t4532
3760 pts/0 S 0:00 rigctld -m1 -t14532
3840 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto rigctld
[saku@tpad ~]

So far so good. After that open cqrlog... and there they are: radio1 at 21.00000 and radio2 at 14.0000 that were set with telnet connects.

Try with dummy rigs (-m1) and with your real rigs. Report did you succeed with dummys and with real ones.


Cannot switch between Radio one and Radio two

Following all instructions I tried with dummy rigs and got the same responses to my terminal entries that you did. Started cqrlog, startup frequency was 21000000, clicked on preferences, clicked Radio two, and got no response, no frequency change.

This works for you, but I keep getting the same response. I know I'm doing something wrong or leaving something out, but haven't figured it out yet. BTW, I also tried all this out on a separate computer, 64 bit Ubuntu 18.04.4, and got the very same results.

I included the debug file, but didn't see any new information.
