switching fields

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switching fields

Is it possible to have cqrlog go from Call field directly to RST rcvd ?
When no radio is connected one must tab 4 times to get to the rst field.
Being able to define the tab filed order would be nice, like from call to ITU when contesting etc.

also i would like the qso dato so show Day/Month/Year, it is year/month/day now.

and one mode, is it possible to get a "home" button, so no matter where you are on the screen, even if cqrlog is minimized and firefox is fullscreen a single key stroke brings up cqrlog and call field is highlighted, (i remember logger32 had this when i used windows, pretty usefull)

Regin, OY1R

btw, clublog/notwork upload works now thanks a million.

switching fields

Hi Regin!

Without radio it needs program change and recompile.But otherwise very easy to do. Using Contest window you can do it, but then filling other non-contest fields name, qth, etc. gets difficult.

I would start to edit fNewQSO.pas and find

if not FromDXC then
if (not (fViewQSO or fEditQSO or cbOffline.Checked)) and (frmTRXControl.GetModeFreqNewQSO(mode,freq)) then
if chkAutoMode.Checked then
cmbMode.Text := mode;
cmbFreq.Text := freq;
edtHisRST.SelStart := 1;
edtHisRST.SelLength := 1;

By moving lines "edtHisRST." between the two "end" lines and then recomplile.

About date. We use here the same format day/month/year but computer programs usually use US way to show date. Perhaps because doing it opposite way Y/M/d you get increasing number order value if all is written together 20201107 and that makes programming easier.
With mysql it needs date formatting as it is yyyy-mm-dd as default.
Quite a big change for doing it everywhere in cqrlog.

WIth quick thinking a key that returns to Newqso/call could be possible when one of cqrlog's windows is active. But that it would return from another active program needs more thinking. The windowing system of Linux has predefined keys (depending on desktop used) and via that kind of key it could be possible. Perhaps.
