I am not a WWFF operator, but did visit three OHFFs during a boat trip and because I have my IC706 installed in my boat I decided to try WWFF activation.
Here are few hints how to use cqrlog for logging activation.
1) create a new profile for WWFF you are going to activate:
a) give proper profile locator (If you do not know locator just give something looking like locator, like AA11bb)
b) for profile name give string:
Of course you replace "OHFF-1234" with your WWFF activation ID. Note that if you have three numbers in your ID you must change also "INFO:9" to "INFO:8" as it tells how many characters there are in MY_SIG_INFO data string.
2) Before entering any qsos set operator using Alt+O Just enter your callsign (I assume your preferences/Station/callsign is yourcallsign/P or your callsign/M already) WWFF adif export requires operator tag and it is not exported unless you set a content for it.
3) Prepare your CW Memory Keys if you are planning to use CW with a keyer. Remember that you can use macros (startng with %-sign). See help for details.
4) The easiest way to enter qsos is to use contest window for entering new qsos. You do not need "contest name", For checkboxes set "space is TAB" if you like to move with spacebar, check "Tru" if you like to give and receive true reports instead of 59(9) and that is all.
Then you just type callsign, press tab key (or space) to move to set reports (if tru checked) and once you have set "RST r" (or accept 59(9) just press ENTER to log qso and start a new one. You do not need to use mouse at all. If you make a mistake in callsign one ESC returns cursor to callsign field two ESC wipes whole callsign away.
5) When you have ended activation it is time to make ADIF export. Go to QSO list/File/Export/ADIF and give name for export. it is recommended to use file name format "YOURCALL-P_@_yourFF-nro_YYYYMMDD". Note that you can not give CALL/P or CALL/M. you should replace / with -. Also underscore is better than use space(s) in file name.
For fields to export choose: Date,Time on, Call, Mode, Freq, RST sent, RST rcvd, Profile and Operator. That should be enough.
After export is done open your adif file with text editor.
Use "find and replace". First find string "<APP_CQRLOG_PROFILE:50>1|KP01rq|" where number 50 can be something else (but same through whole adif file) and locator is also what you have entered in profile creation phase.
Replace this string by "" (nothing) and select to replace all occurrences. Next search for "||" (two pipe signs) and also replace them by "" (nothing) and select to replace all occurrences. Note that if you have entered something in "equipments" at profile creation phase this || (two pipes) has that string between pipe characters and you have to seek and replace that kind of string.
Now you should have qso records where tag APP_CQRLOG_PROFILE has turned to two tags MY_SIG and MY_SIG_INFO that should now be ok for WWFF adif. Save your changes.
6) if you happen to get park-to-park qso(s) during activation you can save opponent WWFF ID to contest window "Msg r" field (jump with TAB or space from "RST r" field). In that case you should select also "Contest msg" field to exported fields in ADIF export settings.
After export is done use "find and replace" to find "<SRX_STRING" and replace it with "<SIG:4>WWFF <SIG_INFO" and replace all occurrences. Save your changes.
7) Send your adif file to your WWFF manager.
This is a great addition to CQRlog. However for those of us in North America, we have two similar but competing programs. This would work for either, but if one participates in *both*, the one of the logs would require considerable post-processing. I have Python script that I use to do my post-processing in seconds. The only field that still requires secondary editing is SIG_INFO, which is for park-to-park contacts. I use the awards field and then edit to change to SIG_INFO. In the column, we must also manipulate for K-xxxx or KFF-xxxx so I use ADIF Master to make those changes. It's a little awkward but I always have completely clean logs. One more thing: Instead of making a new log for every activation - I would have around 200 by now - I simply use the locator to isolate the QSOs for a particular activation, then save the log with the proper name, and filed by state/park. BTW, you can get your locator from phone apps - these will give you grid square by GPS, even if you are not in mobile cell range.