I see posts from 2012 about changing grayline backgound, but it does not work 2.4.0.
How can i change the background image ?
Is it possible to make the line a great circle line instead of the current rhumbic line ?
Regin, OY1R
I see posts from 2012 about changing grayline backgound, but it does not work 2.4.0.
How can i change the background image ?
Is it possible to make the line a great circle line instead of the current rhumbic line ?
Regin, OY1R
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HI Regin!
Grayline image exists in /usr/share/cqrlog/images with name grayline.bmp. Operations to that folder need sudo
You can replace image or edit existing image with graphics program like Gimp.
I made a test with program "convert" that is part of Image Magic converting image world_borders.png (exist in same folder) to bmp format and name grayline.bmp
Close cqrlog
[saku@hamtpad ~]$ cd /usr/share/cqrlog/images
[saku@hamtpad images]$ sudo mv grayline.bmp grayline.bmpp (this makes backup of original for restoring)
[saku@hamtpad images]$ sudo convert world_borders.png grayline.bmp
Open cqrlog
I have been thinking about great circle and even done a test program because I did not find any ready build unit for freepascal. But this project has been long at state where it calculates the great circle plotting points between two locations but the plot drawing procedure is still missing.
Maybe some day...someone...
Thanks for next tip Saku.
In my case I have to move grayline.bmp to ~/.config/crlog/images
<p>SlaveckM, SP3RXO</p>
It doesn't work for me with other maps.
Only the default and the yellow/white one works, both are horrible :(
Thomas SP9TL (ex. SQ9LBE)
It does not work if you try different image size than 512x256 because it is hard coded in source as well as bmp format.
So you do not get Hi-Res map without source modification. Otherwise image can be what ever.
Here the grayline is over my home made RTTY machine from ~1984 with home made assembler software running in Sinclair ZX81Â (Z80 8bit cpu at 4MHz) as the heart of device. Also keyboard is home made from separate key buttons. All cased in boxes made-up from fiberglas PCB sheets with solderings
OK, understood.
I will just stick to Xplanet :) it does a nice job too by showing DX stations.
Thank you.
Thomas SP9TL (ex. SQ9LBE)
Hi Regin!
I made a pull request today with fixes for grayline map.
It includes "some kind of" great circle lline option.
With current resolution in use and plotting routines (and my math skills) it is not outstanding, but at least a try.