Upload to online log problem

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Upload to online log problem

I am having trouble uploading to online logs since my update to 2.5.2. In this update, I had to reimport my old QSOs via adif and so I may have lost some of the old configuration.

I am getting the following errors on debug (looks like "missing band" on ClubLog and "Unable to find QSO on HRDLog:

SyncMsg :HamQTH: All QSO already uploaded
Saving window size a position (frmLogUploadStatus) (height|width|top|left):295|557|20|20
SyncMsg :ClubLog: Deleting original YU1XA
datetime=2017-11-20 22:18:00

Response :Missing band

select * from upload_status where logname='HRDLog'

select * from log_changes where id > 1 order by id

select * from log_changes where id = 2


Response :<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Unable to find QSO

g :ClubLog: Could not delete original QSO data!
SyncMsg :HRDLog: Deleting original YU1XA
SyncMsg :HRDLog: Could not delete original QSO data!

Upload to online log problem


I am not using any external logs, so I do not know exactly what to do.
But if I had import all (old) qsos as adif to new log I would use Qso list/Online log and select from there online log(s) I use and behind that execute "Mark all QSO as uploaded" if it is sure they are all uploaded with the old log system.

When you upgraded from old cqrlog to 2.5.2 your old logs should still work. Uninstall cqrlog and installing a new version should not touch your logs at ~/.config/cqrlog folder.
If the version step to 2.5.2 has been over several versions then new cqrlog may touch log databases if there has been changes in database table structure. How ever this should also keep logs still usable.


Thanks Saki,

Thanks Saki,

Yes that sounds a good idea. The old database was not loading with the new version of cqrlog and I didn't want to mess around with it but I could try again and let you know what the error messages are if you think it might be fixable? Otherwise I will just manually upload any new QSOs and mark as uploaded in CQRlog.

Thanks so much!

James M0JMX

Upload to online log problem

Hi James!

If you have playground with your old cqrlog and time you could try following, but there is no guarantee this will work. So make sure you have backups before trying.

Start old cqrlog up to "Database connection" window but do not open any log.
open command console and give (Change "saku" to your username):

mysqldump --single-transaction --all-databases -S /home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/sock > /tmp/aa.sql

You should then have full mysql dump of your databases in file /tmp/aa.sql
From that file you need to delete all DEFINER=`` strings. You can do it with text editor's search&replace or use console command "sed":

sed -i 's/DEFINER=``//g' /tmp/aa.sql

After that give command

ps ax | grep mysqld

You should see something like:
9186 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/mysql.cnf --datadir=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/ --socket=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/sock --port=64000

copy that string starting from "/usr/sbin/mysqld" up to end of string.
Close cqrlog.
Copy /tmp/aa.sql to usb stick, or some other safe place.

Now with system that has new cqrlog installed:
copy file aa.sql from usb stick to /tmp
open command console and give that string (note there is your username in path, here it is mine):

/usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/mysql.cnf --datadir=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/ --socket=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/sock --port=64000

command prompt will not return. Leave console open.

Open another command console and give (Change "saku" to your username):

mysql -S /home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/sock < /tmp/aa.sql

If no errors it should be ok. Then give:
ps ax | grep mysqld

Note the number at start of line:
1186 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld

And give command using that number:
kill -9 1186

Now prompt should return at command console you executed command:
/usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/mysql.cnf --datadir=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/ --socket=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/sock --port=64000

Then it is time to start new cqrlog and see that it has all logs and qsos that the old cqrlog had.

There is no guarantee this works. While writing this I did it few times with my PC but it had same cqrlog version all the time. So you can try it with your own risk.
