I would like to see an option to allow skipping of data input fields. For instance it takes 10 tabs to move from the RST received field to the State field. If you are connected to a call database and any of the data is incorrect it takes too many tabs to change it. and if you are not connected to a call database and want to enter data well.........
Peter, NN9K
HI Peter!
Thanks for suggestion.
How you would set the skipping?
-from callsign to State,
-from callsign to Grid,
-from callsign to Award ?
As you see the definition of skip length is very hard and depends on user needs.
For long, undefined, skip it is best to move cursor with a mouse click.
At the moment tabulation goes in order @NewQSO and it is the only way to do this. @Contest tabulation changes by contest message format, but those are standard and easy to define.
I thought I replied to this last night but don't see it................
Probably a programing nightmare but I would like to see a chart/table that would list the input fields and allow the user to select the ones to skip.
Please see attached.
Peter, NN9K
Lazarus has parameter "TAB order" for buttons, selectors and edit boxes.
That is used in contest window.
It can not be used in form of your picture as checkboxes, but could be used by giving the user numbered order for fields.
Actually it is used now with checkbox "auto" that causes a jump from callsign to RSTs if rig its connected. It actually has on bug: if you double click dx spot or bandmap callsign cursor is placed to callsign and predding TAB takes just to next column even if "auto" is selected.
If you type in callsign and press TAB with "auto" selected it jumps to RSTs as should.
Saku thanks. I understand what you are saying and I don't care what the method is to allow the skipping of data fields just that it can be accomplished.
Here is one example of what I am trying solve.
I'm at a WWFF/POTA location and the exchange is Call,signal reports and most usually the state. But the problem we have in the USA is people move and keep their same call. You can be a KH6 and live in Georgia and yes most of them do change the call databases but some do not. Then we have the Snow Birds who might live in Maine but winter in Florida or Texas and do not change the databases. Or the folks traveling to do SOTA or WWFF/Pota.
Whether or not I am connected to a callsign data base I need "easy" access to the state field and a Tab or Spacebar movement from the RST Rcv field is the easiest way I can think of.
I tried using the Contest Window and I might be able to make it work by editing the exported ADIF file.
I realize I am asking for a lot and if it is a problem for it to be implemented that's OK too. I'm just trying to move all of my radio activities to CQRLog.
Thanks for reading!
Peter, NN9K
Hi Peter!
We have same problem here. OH callsigns do not have county based number any more. Now same callsign is valid everywhere, no need to change if qth changes. Callsign database is not a solution as it depends users activity to fix own data.
In US the FCC holds public database that holds user data, including state. I have used that in the wsjtx remote part of my alpha cqrlog to find true states for stations seen in cq-monitor.
That kind of data is not allowed here, it is against local and EU privacy policy. That is why our telecom authorities can only tell if callsign is in use or not, no user information at all.
The Contest window sounds quite suitable for your needs. With only small change. It has now a checkbox "Msg is Loc" and by checking that the received message is transferred also to locator grid when qso is logged.
You just need "Msg is State" checkbox so that you can enter received state to MsgRx to get it logged to proper field in log.
What you think about that? Could it be useful ?
Saku; that definitely would help solve the problem. Thank you!
Peter, NN9K
HI Peter!
I ended up to "extended" solution that, perhaps, may be usefull to someone else, too.
There you can define "MSG is" and if checked it will copy RXmessage to selected column (and of course also to srx_string)
It still nees some fixes in Grid input check routine before pull request.
If you can compile by yourself you find my project from https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog/tree/msg_is_state before I have made pull request, and it is accepted, to official source.
I'll wait for the official version. It's -14C here and the weather doesn't look too good for the next few weeks so I think I'll be staying inside for a bit.
Thanks for your help and patience with my request.
Take care.
Peter, NN9K
Hi Peter!
Pull request is done, waiting to be accepted in next weeks. https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog/tree/squash_msg_is_state
It has been cold also there but at the moment just -2C and some new snow. We just have about 10cm snow now, not big problem (yet...).
I get this message every time I reply to your message

Could it be that your e-mail setting is wrong in https://www.cqrlog.com/user/ ?
Saku--checked my account settings and the email address is correct.
One other comment--In the Contest Window if I select RST Sent as TRUE the input box does not turn blue to accept something other than 599. However setting the RST Rcv as True the input box does turn blue to accept a true RST. I know something minor but saves correction keystrokes.
I have been testing ADIF exports using the Locator change option in the contest window knowing the state change option will work the same way and things look good. Minor editing to string names will format the ADIF file nicely for WWFF/POTA activation uploads.
Thanks again!
Peter, NN9K
Hi Peter!
"I select RST Sent as TRUE the input box does not turn blue to accept something other than 599. However setting the RST Rcv as True the input box does turn blue to accept a true RST. I know something minor but saves correction keystrokes."
I do not get that (?)
What is "Setting RSTr as true"? There is no that kind of checkbox (or was there in some early version?)
Do I understand your sentence somehow wrong?
Setting of checkboxes do not turn anything blue. The column that has blue borders is the one where cursor currenly is.

If you set "Tru" (true reports) and then enter callsign, use TAB key (or space if checked) once the cursor will jump to RSTs and you can enter numeric value.
Next TAB key will move cursor to RSTr to enter received report's numeric value.
In picture when "No" (no serial number) is not checked next TAB moves to NRr, and then next TAB to MSG r
NOTE: At any time after you have entered callsign and moved cursor away from callsign cloumn(with TAB, Space or mouse) you can press enter key to log theqso. There is no need to jump all columns through if values are ok.
While writing this I came in to my mind that you can mean that numbers in RSTs do net get highlighted (as blue) and entered again test call

(note it is duplicate now, hi) and pressed TAB once.
599 is now selected (blue) meaning that entering any number will replace 599. What I mean is that you do not need to use delete key before you can enter new values. Same happens for RSTr value whne I have entered a new value to RSTs and pressed TAB key again once.
So I really can not understand what you mean. Perhaps I have a translation problem here?
Saku thank you--there is no translation problem just a big error on this end. Forgot that I had not updated my Linux desktop computer! After updating all worked correctly and the laptop I will use for WWFF/POTA expeditions works correctly also.
Very sorry for the confusion, sometimes this 80 year old mind drops a bit or two in the memory functions!!
All is good!
Thanks again.
Peter, NN9K
No problem Peter!
NIce to hear that all is ok. Now the latest changes to contest form are waiting to be accepted to official source. Once it is done it, hopefully, is even more usable than now.
It is nearly a year since last official release has been done and I am hopeful that Petr would soon find some time to make next official release.
It is important for linux distribution maintainers as they do package updates only by official releases.
Well, there are some memory drops also at age 64, hi. That's why it is good to give brains some work, like programming.
Saku--checked my account settings and the email address is correct.
One other comment--In the Contest Window if I select RST Sent as TRUE the input box does not turn blue to accept something other than 599. However setting the RST Rcv as True the input box does turn blue to accept a true RST. I know something minor but saves correction keystrokes.
I have been testing ADIF exports using the Locator change option in the contest window knowing the state change option will work the same way and things look good. Minor editing to string names will format the ADIF file nicely for WWFF/POTA activation uploads.
Thanks again!
Peter, NN9K
The problem is with the server email settings. I moved the website to another server and it seems that sending emails does not work. I'll look at it.
Saku--just downloaded the latest version using your script. The script works great and the changes you made are perfect.
Thanks again and good luck!
Peter, NN9K