A filter for propagation mode would be handy for satellite qso's.
Is it possible at the moment, if is how ?
I like to chase grids on satellites, and being able to filter satellite qso's would be very handy
A filter for propagation mode would be handy for satellite qso's.
Is it possible at the moment, if is how ?
I like to chase grids on satellites, and being able to filter satellite qso's would be very handy
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Hi Regin!
It is there:

I think you just do not have very latest cqrlog as it is not available from packages. Look at bottom left corner of QSOlist window.
The date there should be something like 2021-xx-xx
At least following messages have instructions how to compile cqrlog from source
Raspberry PI 4 and cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/3124
New Ubuntu and latest cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/2984
Mint 20 Cinnamon and new cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/2998
If you can not compile by yourself from source you will find ready compiled offical and alpha versions from https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog/tree/loc_testing/compiled
Yes you were right, had latest version in package manager. 2.4.0.
Thank you.
Regin, OY1R