I'm new to using CQRLog and was interested in using it with my IC-705. I think I can connect it to the radio via Flrig but I noticed that as of yet there doesn't seem to be a way to connect directly from CQRLog. Am I missing something. It seems to be a fantastic program by the way and using it with a Raspberry Pi
Rick, W2JAZ
Hi Rick!
I do not know what version of cqrlog you have. Version loaded from linux packages are usually very old. So some of pictures may look different.
When cqrlog is intalled it also requires installation of Hamlib. rigctld is a part of Hamlib and supports your rig:
3085 Icom IC-705 20211222.3 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC705
So it should be there so you should get it configured.
Also if hamlib is very old the rig number may differ 3085 --> 385
Select NewQSO/File/Preferences and from there select Tab "TRXcontrol"

Set the device to same value you have used with flrig.
Instead, if you like to use flrig with cqrlog you can start flrig before cqrlog (always) and configure TRXControl this way:

The most important is to get "path to rigctld binary" to have right value. You can check that by opening a command console and type in command "whereis rigctld"

Note that in this picture rigctld exist in different directory than pictures above have the path. In that case I have now change the path in TRXControl to be "/usr/local/bin" instead of current "/usr/bin"
If you are planning to use cqrlog with other programs like wsjtx you can define flrig also there, but I recommend to read this: