CQRLog for Dummie

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CQRLog for Dummie

Linux Mint 20.3 here. Been Linux Mint user (after Ubuntu) for 10 yrs+. Never used MySQL that I am aware? though it's updated automatically and is current. (Can dual boot into Win7-10 in five machines I tend to, but NEVER DO MS ANYMORE.)

However, the first, most basic simple thing that yall take for granted has me stumped. namely what to do at the MySQL server "Database Connection" screen when I open CQRLog for the first time. The default server name of, and port 64000 are pre-assigned. Is this OK to get going? Suggestions or recommendations?

None of this is intuitive to me. Yet. From what I read, I should check "Remember me" and "Auto connect". And check "Save log data to local machine" as I am not networking. Yet. Good forum!

I don't mind learning to play MySQL....and CQRLog seems to be a great excuse to do just that.

Thank you for your help, and having this forum, and building my confidence.

Pete, N2EXG

CQRLog for Dummie

HI Pete!

Now it depends how do you like to use your log databases.
If you check "save log data to local machine" cqrlog will start a new mysql_safe server thread placing all needed files to your ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder. This is the most common way to use cqrlog.

Good side with this is that when you stop cqrlog and copy the ~/.config/cqrlog folder with all files and subfolders to safe place you have 100% backup for everything. Note that ~/.config (dot at beginning of name) is a hidden folder and you must set "show hidden files and folders" to your file browser to see them.

Bad side with this is that in some Linuxes there are safety settings that prevents mysql server to use user's folders. Then a settings fix is needed to get things running. And if you have Mysql v8 (or up) it does not work. The reason is also safe settings and you must change it to MariaDB.
That is usually handled by cqrlog package that has MariaDB included in dependencies.

If you do not check "save log data to local machine" you can use "localhost" port 3306 instead to get logs into your PCs SQL server that is already running there. Or you can replace "localhost" with any IP address to place you logs in SQL server running anywhere in network.

Good sides are that you can run cqrlog with many different PCs using same logs, or that you can travel and still have your logs via internet.
You can also create database replication with two or more networked SQL server to get automated backups.

Bad sides are that you have first make a SQL server user with password and privileges to create and modify cqrlog related databases.
Also the backups are not so easy. You have to do mysqldump from cqrlog databases to get them saved.

At first run cqrlog asks do you want to save log data to local machine. If you say yes it "checks that checbox" and makes first log.
If you say No it prompts you to enter MySQL server address, port, username and password. After connection is made the first log can be created.

For cqrlog usage please open the help and see what is there. Once you get cqrlog running: NewQSO window, top menu left: Help . It opens to your web browser.

Some help videos can be found from Youtube. Among others I also have some of them there: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3yPCVYmfeBzDSwTosOe2fQ
