I ran across an LSB net operating on 3.970MHz, and worked a few stations, one of which wanted to log Alaska.
Attempting to log the QSO with rig control enabled, cqrlog prevented me from logging the frequency - I had to fudge it to 3.800MHz to save the log entry.
Can we bump the allowed frequencies on 80m to 4.00MHz (or 3.998) for region 2 operators?
Thanks! CQRLOG is great software, and I really appreciate its being available.
I'm using the 2022-01-20 verson of 2.5.2, built from source.
It's a configuration option - Preferences -> Frequencies -> Modify
Oops. Make that Preferences -> Bands -> Frequencies -> Modify
Oh thank you! (There's tons on CQRLOG I don't mess with - I just tried out the cabrillo export this past weekend.)
There are others you need to change as well, like 40M and 6 meters, 70cm, double check to make sure there aren't others, but I think that's it.