QTH profiles

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QTH profiles

I understand that QTH Profiles are mainly used for filtering, but what's the reasoning behind requiring a valid locator for QTH profiles? As far as I can see, there is no way to export locator/qth/rig to files like ADI. It also does not seem to set "my_loc" (not sure what even sets that particular field)

I am also having a problem filtering on QTH profile. You must explicitly clear the filter before selecting a QTH profile for it to work properly. I would expect that clearing the dialog would not be required since the dialog pops up in a cleared state initially (actually it would be better ff it remembered the last values, otherwise what's the point of a clear button). Another issue is that Shift-F12 should results in the same QSO list as clear filter / okay.


QTH profiles

Now it depends what version you are using, I think.
When I switch profile also "Myloc" at bottom of new qso changes and ADIF export tag <MY_GRIDSQUARE:6> contains changed locator.



About filter, "Remember filter keeps values you have set in previous definition:

What comes to Clear filter/OK buttons and Shift F12 you are right. Cleared filter should restore same viev as S+F12. I must check this.


