I'm sure I'm not the only one among the thousands of CQRLOG users which has faced this issue.
When the program saves the same QSO twice (happening some times with FT-8 and WSJT-X logging feature) and you try to delete one of these duplicates, then if you have enabled the upload onto CLUBLOG and, or HDRLOG, the updating/uploading process fails because the remote servers cannot proceed because they don't found anymore the QSO!
I wish you developers try to find a solution to this problem in order to be able to edit the log by deleting a duplicated QSO, without then facing the updating/uploading issue on the remote servers as CLUBLOG and, or HDRLOG.
When this happens to me, I need to export all the log QSO's in ADIF format file and manually upload it on the specific remote server, through its web interface.
Thanks for your kindest attention.
Best regards.
How can you make that happen?
With about 8k of FT qsos in log I have never faced that kind of problem. The most common problem for me has been that I forgot to set the wsjtx remote on and so qsos are only in wsjtx's log and must be adif transferred from there. It would be interesting to know how the duplicate is made.
If you press wsjtx log window's OK button you can do it only once. Even if you have defect mouse button that sends several pulses with one press (I have that just now) only the first is counted for OK button. After pressed the window clears up and closes so there is no way to do logging twice. Have you checked wsjtx_log.adi log at ~/.local/share/WSJT-X are same qsos also there twice?
I have made some additons to reset upload triggers (by user request). But they do not exist in official source, just in my loc_testing version. I do not know how useful they are as I do not use external log servers.
Hi dear Saku!
I was not aware that you were replied!
This is what happens (traced by CQRLOG status of log upload):
HRDLog: Deleting original PD9OH
HRDLog: Could not delete original QSO data!
HamQTH: Uploading CO2GL ... OK
HamQTH: Done ...
ClubLog: Deleting original PD9OH
ClubLog: Could not delete original QSO data!
HRDLog: Deleting original PD9OH
HRDLog: Could not delete original QSO data!
HamQTH: Uploading W3IDT ... OK
HamQTH: Done ...
WARNING!: Only HamQTH allows to CQRLOG to edit its database, whereas CLUBLOG and HRDLOG are not allowing this and due to this QSO's are not being uploaded filling the queue in CQRLOG!
Now I have several QSO's awaiting to be uploaded on these last two remote databases just for the above issue!
When this happens (and I faced several time this problem so far) I need to export all my QCRLOG QSO's into and ADIF file and manually upload them on CLUBLOG and HRDLOG! A very boring process!!!
Hope now the issue has been clarified.
Best regards!
And also be so kind to remind me where I can find (URL) of your Beta code for CQRLOG.
Please tell me how you can make this:
"When the program saves the same QSO twice (happening some times with FT-8 and WSJT-X logging feature) and you try to delete one of these duplicates,"
I have never seen this happen. It would require two similar UDP logging frames from wsjtx.
My alpha testing version is at https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog/tree/loc_testing/compiled
This is easy to happens:
Occurs everytime the WSJT-X after completing a QSO (after sending the RR73) opens the QSO LOG window and I click on OK.
Sometimes the same station has not closed the QSO from his side so he repeat the last transmission and again my WSJT-X sends another RR73, so same QSO is getting saved twice into CQRLOG!
When I see this and I try to manually delete one of these dupes, then CQRLOG uploads the changes to remote servers (excerpt sent to you before) without succeeding, only HamQTH allows to make these changes the other two servers no!
Thanks for your kindest attention Saku!
Hi Marco!
I have seen your message in wsjt-x devel list and I think I know now how you create duplicate qsos to log.
When wsjt-x sends RR73 it opens logging window (if prompt me to log qso is checked in settings/Reporting).
You press then OK and qso is logged to Cqrlog (if wsjt remote is on).
Then opponent station did not get your 73 and sends RR73 again, you click it and send 73 again that opens logging window again.
You should press CANCEL then, because you have just logged that qso in last period.
If you press OK again you sure will have duplicate logging.
So it is not because program fault, but self caused duplicate.
The key things in wsjt-x are:
settings/reporting prompt me to log qso -- checked
settings/reporting Log automatically -- NOT checked
settings/reporting Clear DX call and grid after logging -- checked
The key settings in Cqrlog are:
preferences/NewQSO/refresh data after qso -- checked
preferences/NewQSO/show recent qsos for last 30 days -- checked
preferences/NewQSO/in previous qso list show also qso with call/p call/m w6/call etc. -- checked
In Cqrlog keep either NewQSO open to see just logged qso at the top of window (below menu) or keep QSO list open to see just logged qso (latest PullRequest currently pending has even improvement that will keep last qso always on top of QSO list)
With these settings it is just up to you if you press wsjt-x logging window's OK button more than once in case of problems in RR73/73 copying.
Good day dear Saku!
Yes, I agree with you: in summary the radio operator must manage both side of the QSO and decide when it is the moment to log it.
Completely true!
On the other hand please try another thing (if you wish to) in order to discover why CQRLOG has not any editing/updating rights toward CLUBLOG and HRDLOG.
Try to create a copy of a saved QSO by hand onto your CQRLOG then try to upload it to the above servers, then simulate that you have noticed such dupe, then you decide to delete one of the duplicated QSO from your log, well you will see that the automatic uploading enabled in CQRLOG tries to update the information again (with one QSO removed for the station duped), now you will face the same error I reported here! CQRLOG is unable to update data on CLUBLOG and HRDLOG, it succeeds just on HAMQTH!!!
What I wrote on WSJT-X devel list is in part related to this issue here but it is a different issue and now I think that I have resolved thanks to a OM who suggested me to switch from sending the RR73 to sending the RRR instead.
Have a great week-end!
Best Regards,
Marco, PY1ZRJ
Hi Marco!
I do not use any online logs. They are "gray area" for me.
That is saving me from that kind of troubles, hi hi.
Lol! You are a wise man!
No problem Saku, I will resolve as I do when this issue occurs: manual uploading of my ADIF file.
All the best!
Marco, PY1ZRJ