Hello everybody,
With CQRLog 2.6.0 (113), and after Ubuntu update (passed at 22.04 version), Kdialog don not fonctionnal !
I have created one program in Python, and I use Kdialog, and this is fonctionnal and correctly installed.
So the problem is in CQRLog. (??)
I use this macro :
"kdialog --title=Spot-Info --passivepopup "Callsign $CALLSIGN detected at $FREQ $MODE""
And I use "Calsign alert" for the ephemeral station !
73's and thanks for help.
PS : There are many problems with the transition to Ubuntu 22.04 ??
Geoffroy, ON6GMT.
Try callsign alert first with simple script /tmp/tst.sh
echo "Callsign $1 detected at $2 $3" >> /tmp/test.txt
Call it from Cqrlog:
/tmp/tst.sh "Callsign $CALLSIGN detected at $FREQ $MODE""
After few alert hits check the contents of file /tmp/test.txt. Alert lines should be there.
If they are, replace the "echo" in script with:
kdialog --title=Spot-Info --passivepopup
Save, test and see what happens.
Hi Saku !
I have created the file /tmp/tst.sh in the directoris ".config/cqrlog/tmp", and replaced the line of the command when callsign is spotted with "/tmp/tst.sh "Callsign $CALLSIGN detected at $FREQ $MODE""
I'ts correct ? because I have not response of CQRLog...
Does your tst.sh have lines ?:
kdialog --title=Spot-Info --passivepopup "Callsign $1 detected at $2 $3"
Have you set execute bit of tst.sh? Command terminal:
chmod a+x ~/.config/cqrlog/tmp/tst.sh
If all ok so far, when you call it from command terminal typing:
~/.config/cqrlog/tmp/tst.sh ON6GMT 14.014 CW
Does it work then?
If ok so far set "preferences/DXCluster/Run this command when callsign is spotted":
/home/your_username/.config/cqrlog/tmp/tst.sh $CALLSIGN $FREQ $MODE
NOTE: replace "~" here with "/home/your_username" where "your_username" is your linux username.
If you did not get
kdialog --title=Spot-Info --passivepopup "Callsign $CALLSIGN detected at $FREQ $MODE"
work directly from "preferences/DXCluster/Run this command when callsign is spotted" it might work when it is called via tst.sh script.
YES, I have created tst.sh with this line :
kdialog --title=Spot-Info --passivepopup "Callsign $1 detected at $2 $3"
YES, I execute in the terminal the command :
chmod a+x ~/.config/cqrlog/tmp/tst.sh
~/.config/cqrlog/tmp/tst.sh ON6GMT 14.014 CW
And when i read the "test.tmp" file, I have one line :
"Callsign ON6GMT detected at 14.014 CW"
I have changing the line in the Preference of Cqrlog, :
/home/geoffroy/.config/cqrlog/tmp/tst.sh "Callsign $CALLSIGN detected at $FREQ $MODE"
But I don't have a new line when call is spoted...
If there are lines in /tmp/test.txt when running Cqrlog that means that your kdialog does not work when called from script file.
If the file is empty that means Cqrlog is not doing any alerts.
Maybe you have to check the alert settings?
Have you set alerting by pressing "List of callsings"