Would you please consider adding support for QRZCQ.com callsign lookups to the CQRLog program?
Sun, 2023-07-09 22:11
QRZCQ.com callbook support
There is currently 1 user online.
I have been working with QRZCQ XML support.
It is mainly a copy of QRZ support. Both are very similar.
How ever I am not able to test it because only premium account can use XML requests and I am not going to pay anything because I have no interest of using QRZCQ in future.
So the code is ready (not uploaded yet to GitHub), but not tested.
I have made a service ticket to them for getting a developer's access to get the code tested.
QRZCQ Callbook XML request is now tested and fixed and should be mostly ok.
Still API key expire/renew is not tested yet (takes 3 days to expire).
QRZCQ Callbook property exist in Alpha (117) source code at GitHub.
Reports welcome.