Error on sync to Clublog

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Error on sync to Clublog

ClubLog: Deleting original R120T
ClubLog: Update failed! Check Internet connection
ClubLog: Upload failed! Check Internet connection
HRDLog: Deleting original R120T
HRDLog: Could not delete original QSO data!

Assumed that R120T has not been uploaded to Clublog (due to Internet connection failure, I suppose) I can I set this record to be uploaded again?

73 and MRY XMAS de IZ5FSA

Error on sync to Clublog

Fix your Clublog up to date manually.
After that Use Qsolist/Online logs/Clublog/Mark all qsos uploaded

If you do not have any other online log and your Cqrlog has 'Remove all upload triggers'-selection you can use also that.
