QRZ.com gives error: Username/password incorrect

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QRZ.com gives error: Username/password incorrect

I have verified my QRZ.com ID and password and can access via a web browser, but Cqrlog continues to give the above error.

Thanks for any help,
Jim, K4JIM

I followed suggested tests from next posting in this thread

The next topic in this thread shows testing to verify that I am a subscriber to QRZ.com and that I can successfully query QRZ, It followed the suggested tests and verified that I am a subscriber and that I can suceed in making a query.

Jim, J4JIM

QRZ.com gives error: Username/password incorrect

Hi Jim!

Have you tried to look at debug?
Start Cqrlog and set rig poll rate to big value like 20000 close all other windows than NewQSO and close Cqrlog.
Start Cqrlog from command terminal:

cqrlog --debug=1 > /tmp/debug.txt

It should now open with only NewQSO window and do rig polling very slow. All this to minimize debug text lines amount.
Then enter a callsign and move cursor from callsign column so that qrz call is done.
Once you get the data, or error, close Cqrlog.

Study /tmp/debug.txt with text editor. Good way is to seek string "http" to find proper lines.
Does the qrz request look ok there?


QRZ.com gives error when attempting to access callbook info

I'm guessing this is the relevent information from debug:

LoadForm: frmNewQSO
SELECT id_cqrlog_main FROM cqrlog_main WHERE adif=291 AND band='15M' AND ((qsl_r='Q') OR (lotw_qslr='L')) AND m<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

Username/password incorrect
Thu Oct 24 19:09:02 2024
cpu: 0.088s

I'm puzzled why it works fine manually but the software fails! I'm going to try changing my password to something simple and see if it makes a difference.

Thanks for your input!

Jim, K4JIM


I figured out what was wrong! I changed the password, but didn't click on OK to save the change. While running the logging program I keep the window small to give me more screen space. The OK button was off the screen and not visible to me. Changing my password to a simple, minimum length showed me my problem! Thanks for the assist and thanks for a great logging program!!

Jim, K4JIM