When uploading a QSO, at least.. error

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When uploading a QSO, at least.. error

Hello everyone,
I face a strange failure report when trying to upload data to hamqth. cqrlog is reporting "HamQTH: When uploading a QSO, at least qso_date, time_on, call, band and mode fields must be specified!" in the status of log upload window.
The QSO data in my log are all filled in. So I deleted the qso, but the error message stays, even after restarting cqrlog.
Unfortunately I can not upload any new qso data.
Any suggestions?
Working on a linux lubuntu machine with cqrlog ver. 2.6.0 (001).

vy 73 de Wolfgang, DJ4QV

When uploading a QSO, at least.. error

Hi Wolfgang!

Have you tried to run Cqrlog from command terminal?

cqrlog --debug=1 > /tmp/debug.text

And after upload one qso close Cqrlog and study file /tmp/debug.text with text editor.
Can you find the qso from that file, and what it looks like there?


Hello Saku,

Hello Saku,
thanks for your suggestions. Did the debug mode and found in debug.txt the following part where I tried to fill in a new qso:

adif=202405041135DM100Fin.adif<>0 and (dxcc_ref NOT LIKE '%*') AND (qsl_r = 'Q')) as foo

select * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate LIMIT 500

SyncMsg :HamQTH: Uploading DM100FK
SyncMsg :HamQTH: When uploading a QSO, at least qso_date, time_on, call, K40M7.172

Response :When uploading a QSO, at least qso_date, time_on, call, band and mode fields must be specified!

band and mode fields must be specified!
DELETE FROM cqrlog_main WHERE id_cqrlog_main = 421

select * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate LIMIT 500

The callsign causing problems was DM100FK, which is referenced here as DM100Fin.adif. Strange name? I also deleted the qso in cqrlog, so that it cannot be seen anymore from within running cqrlog.
Same debug message appears as I deleted the fake qso. This tim the name appears as DM100Fd.adif. The qso data of the qso with DM100FK used to be correct and entirely filled in before I deleted the qso.
I hope you have any ideas what to try next. If You need more information out of the debug.txt file please let me know.
vy 73 de Wolfgang DJ4QV


When uploading a QSO, at least.. error

HI Wolfgang!

Your debug does not show out ok in forum, but no problem. I got a mail from forum message and it shows up ok there. Reason is that < and > must be converted before pasting them to forum.
Because Cqrlog is a multi thread program debug is sometimes hard to read as lines break by two or more prints at same time.

If I fix the debug it looks like:

Response :When uploading a QSO, at least qso_date, time_on, call, band and mode fields must be specified!
By looking that again I can not see mode at all.

If you have deleted this qso and have hamqth otherwise in sync with your log you could try "QSO list/Online log/HamQTH/Mark all qso as uploaded"
After this is done try to add this qso to log (as offline insert) and see if it gets in sync with HamQth.

If you log is not in sync at all (also other calls missing after DM100FK) you should do manual update to HamQTH and after that do the"QSO list/Online log/HamQTH/Mark all qso as uploaded" and see if you next qso will again sync ok.
