Can I import and merge "error.adi"?

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Can I import and merge "error.adi"?

Here's the thing. Through the years a bunch (about 25) QSO's never made it to my digital logbook.
Now, every time I download from EQSL from within the QSO list, I get an error telling me some QSO's are not in my log.

I checked the .adi file that comes with the errormessage and I know for certain that I made these QSO's.

I could enter these manually but it seems a bit cumbersome.
So my question is: can I simply import error.adi from the QSO list? and will they automaticcaly merge?

If not, what would be the best way to handle this?

Thanks in advance


Hello Tjalling,

Hello Tjalling,

You could import adif file from qso list in File/Import/Adif
perhaps you need to rename adif to .adi or select All files in selection window.
Then, you have some options before importing.

Hervé F8EHJ

Can I import and merge "error.adi"?

Hi Tjalling!

You can also change the date of download. Then old confirmations do not bother you any more.
If you run CqrlogAlpha it can change the date automated. With older Cqrlogs you have to it manually.

Setting date to one day less than current download date keeps you receiving all new confirmations. There is no need to download all confirmations from day zero again and again.


Can I import and merge "error.adi"?

Thank you both for helping me.

I was affraid CQRlog would make a new .adi instead of merging. Hence me being reluctant to try first.
So, I imported the error.adi file with no problems, up- and downloaded to EQSL and all is fine now!
They were for the most part QSO's with friends I did not digitally log.
Just a scribble on a notepad back then. Mostly from the mid 90's.

And yes Saku, I am using the Aplha version. Not sure which one but it works perfect!
You helped me last year to set things up again.

Hervé and Saku, thank you very much again for being so helpful.
Sometimes a little fear is all it takes not to succeed.

73, Tjalling PA3GOS