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I was messing with a log. I decided to try a LOTW sync. I now have a long list of Qs that are not in the log. The Qs are actually not in the log. I tried to look for the LOTW download, but I have no clue. I poked around the ~/.config/cqrlog without success (lack of knowledge??).
I looked in the log that I imported from, they are not there as well.
Spending more time researching.. not making much progress :-(

Will WC2L


Hi! What really happened?

You had a log with Qs and you started LoTW sync. (up or download?)

LoTW and EQSL up and downloads are fully automated.
Once you get your "Preferences/LoTW/eQSL support" passwords ok and then when opening LoTW window set your certificate location name properly it should be just pressing two buttons "Export&sign" then "Upload". You need to have TQSL program installed to your Linux.

Downloading is even easier:
Set the date at first time to be something "a day in past enough". Like 1990-01-01.
Once one download has been done set the date to last download date - one day. Or if you have checkbox "Set Rcvd date to be current date -1 after succesfull downlaod" check the checkbox and Cqrlog will always do it for you.
The date does not mean date of your fist qso in log, it means date when you have last checked your LoTW mailbox.
Minus one day is because we want to be sure all new qsos are downloaded if the dateline is unclear (utc or local)

There is nothing else to do all will be handled automated by Cqrlog.

You may get error log file if you get qsos downloaded that are not in your log.
The format of error file is made so that you can import it with "QSO_list/FIle/Import/Adif" at any time.
Normally you should not do that !
But if there is a qso, or qsos, you want to import you should leave only those blocks to error file with the header part and remove all other error qso blocks before importing the file.
In any case think twice before importing error files, or parts of them.
There must be a good reason to do so.
It is so easy to mess up your log.


Thanks, I did an import from

Thanks, I did an import from my other logging program. It is on Windows.
Then I did a LOTW download. It threw the error. The log is definitely not ADIF. It is a text file.
Now the LOTW download is an ADIF. I would not import that.

I actually just readed the Qs back to the log. It was not too many.
Basically, I am trying to learn CQRLog to make sure I don't totally mess my logs up!!
Currently, CQRLog is cleaning up better than the other program.
Still have to see how to get a ARRL Card check done. Making progress slowly!

The SQL stuff will be a challenge... Going into spring, the XYL has long list of projects. Then there are a few other new commitments to deal with... It will be a very busy spring/summer!!