As per the title: I fixed the EQSL error with your help.
So all seems well. The log (complete?) was automatically uploaded to with no issues.
After that, CQRlog started to do the same to Clublog. Now Clublog acted up and after changing some entries, says: check your internet connection.
So, I exported my log from CQRlog to an .adi file which I uploaded to Clublog via their website.
Of course, CQRlog does not know that and wants to go from where it left off.
Now Clublog fails after one or two or so QSO's with the "Check your internet connection" error.
Somehow Clublog seems to think I am performing a DOS attack on it.....
On my other computer I can't reach Clublog because the connection is refused.
After awhile it's okay and I can go to my log and all.
So for now I disabled Clublog from auto-uploading QSO's.
Does anyone know how to go about this?
HI Tjalling!
It seems to happen randomly to users who use online logs.
Try this:
manually set all your online logs up to date by loading the missing qsos.
When everything is up to date select "QSO_list/Online log/Remove all upload triggers"
Then you can turn auto-upload on again and see what happens.
Quite often this has helped.
I do not use online logs, so I am not experienced with that.
Hi Saku,
Thank you for your reply.
Yesterday I looked around on this forum and indeed found some more of these issues.
So, I exported a new and up-to-date ADIF from CQRlog and uploaded it once more to Clublog.
I then set in the QSO-list "Mark all QSO's as uploaded" or something similar.
This morning I up- and downloaded to both EQSL and LOTW.
Fearing the worst I commanded CQRlog to upload the changes to Clublog.
It did and so far all seems fine again.
In my opinion it must have been Clublog's fault because HamQTH worked just fine.
Thank you very much for the tip to remove the upload triggers.
Now, if and when an older QSO is confirmed by LOTW, will that still be updated in an online log?
By the way, I use the online logs mostly as a redundant back-up. One can never know...
Thanks again,
Tjalling PA3GOS