I note that there are templates for a variety of QSO parties. The Virginia (USA) QSO Party does not have one. I know what is the format and would like to add it to my version of CQRLOG. If it proves acceptable to the QSO party sponsor, I can ask you to add it to CQRLOG for all users.
How do I add a custom template-format? Note, I'm good at soldering and great with an oscilloscope but have not programmed in decades. If that is needed, we're done.
73, Bruce MacAlister, W4BRU
HI Bruce!

First of all, Cqrlog is not contest program. Do not expect too much.
If you open contest window and look at contest name selector there are list of names. As well you can write your own contest name, or add something to existing ones. Good idea is add year if you keep all your qsos in same big log. Then afterwards you can use "QSO_list/Filter/Contest filter" and find the contest you are seeking for.
This name is "just a name". There are no presettings for Cabrillo based to any contest name.

If you do Cabrillo export you can use the contest name once you have selected qsos with contest filter for naming Cabrillo file name and Contest name written in Cabrillo log.
That is all.
At Cabrillo export you can make your design (very limited selections) for certain contest you can use buttons Load and Save to store and restore them.
They are not called automated by contest name selection name.