From eQSL I downloaded QSO's.
The 30meter-qso was not marked as comfirmed by eQSL in cqrlog.
I can see that band is written as "30m" in the adif, but the 17M was written with capital-M.
Both QSO were comfirmed by LoTW, but this adif had capital-letters.
I don't know the specification, but cqrlog could maybe handle small-letters.
The problem could also be in eQSL ?
73 de Børge / LA4VGA
Here is a printout from console...
Call: FK8DD
Band: 30m
Mode: CW
QSO_date: 20121005
Time_on: 0757
select id_cqrlog_main,eqsl_qsl_rcvd from cqrlog_main where (qsodate ='2012-10-05') and (mode = 'CW') and (band = '30m')and (callsign = 'FK8DD')
select id_cqrlog_main,eqsl_qsl_rcvd from cqrlog_main where (qsodate ='2012-10-05') and (mode = 'CW') and (band = '30m')and (callsign = 'FK8DD')
Call: FK8DD
Band: 17M
Mode: CW
QSO_date: 20121005
Time_on: 0832
select id_cqrlog_main,eqsl_qsl_rcvd from cqrlog_main where (qsodate ='2012-10-05') and (mode = 'CW') and (band = '17M')and (callsign = 'FK8DD')
select id_cqrlog_main,eqsl_qsl_rcvd from cqrlog_main where (qsodate ='2012-10-05') and (mode = 'CW') and (band = '17M')and (callsign = 'FK8DD')
update cqrlog_main set eqsl_qsl_rcvd = 'E'
,eqsl_qslrdate = '2012-10-07'
where id_cqrlog_main = 923
73 de Børge / LA4VGA
Thank you for excellent bug report, Børge! I just fixed it and commited to SVN. The bugfix will be part of next version.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Yes, this error is gone in 1.5.2
73 de Børge / LA4VGA