when using rigctld connect to existing instance

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AB1KW's picture
when using rigctld connect to existing instance

It looks like cqrlog attempts to start a new instance of rigctld when that is chosen for rig control, instead of connecting to the existing rigctld socket!

This is totally wrong and explains why rigctld has never worked with cqrlog.

ok2cqr's picture
Re: when using rigctld connect to existing instance

I know about two hams using rigctld in CQRLOG. What do you have in Preferences -> TRX control?

AB1KW's picture
At the moment I run rpc.rigd,

At the moment I run rpc.rigd, which listens on tcp port 718.

The preferences -> trx control settings are as follows:

device: localhost:718

rig id: 1901 (rpc.rigd)

poll rate: 500

rigctld errors

I'm curious was this issue ever resolved.. 

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 with CQRlog ver 1.52 rigctl, Hamlib vs

I've never had a problem getting CQRlog to talk to the radio or to an already running instance of rigctld. But now with the new version of CQRlog  I'm seeing lots of error messages from rigctld which I don't believe were being generated in the previous version of CQRlog..

I start rigctld in a terminal and leave it active to monitor for errors and when I start CQRlog I start see a constant output from rigctld of "command not found"

This seems to coincide with CQRlog sending

sending fmv ...


One of my concerns is that my system runs off an SSD drive so I'm trying to reduce unnecessary HHD activity and at this point I can't tell if CQRlog and rigctld are both writing these constant strings of errors to a log file or a temp file someplace..

Anyhow if it helps here's a bit of the output from rigctld

Opened rig model 357, 'IC-756PROIII'
Backend version: 0.7.1, Status: Beta
Connection opened from
rigctl(d): f 'currVFO' '' '' ''
write_block(): TX 6 bytes
0000    fe fe 6e e0 03 fd                                   ..n...         
read_string(): RX 6 characters
0000    fe fe 6e e0 03 fd                                   ..n...         
read_string(): RX 11 characters
0000    fe fe e0 6e 03 00 00 55 28 00 fd                    ...n...U(..    
Command ' ' not found!
rigctl(d): m 'currVFO' '' '' ''
write_block(): TX 6 bytes
0000    fe fe 6e e0 04 fd                                   ..n...         
read_string(): RX 6 characters
0000    fe fe 6e e0 04 fd                                   ..n...         
read_string(): RX 8 characters
0000    fe fe e0 6e 04 01 03 fd                             ...n....       
write_block(): TX 7 bytes
0000    fe fe 6e e0 1a 03 fd                                ..n....        
read_string(): RX 7 characters
0000    fe fe 6e e0 1a 03 fd                                ..n....        
read_string(): RX 8 characters
0000    fe fe e0 6e 1a 03 32 fd                             ...n..2.       
Command ' ' not found!
rigctl(d): v 'currVFO' '' '' ''
rigctl(d): f 'currVFO' '' '' ''

73' N6YG