I have operated under a number of callsigns all from the same QTH. It would be good if there were an "operator" field where you could enter the callsign making the QSO. You would also need a way to define a default so that you don't have to enter this every time, just on the occassion when you use a different callsign. I know I can split my logs into different files but then award tracking ets is impossible across all the different logs. I could use profiles, but they are not visable and therefore not filterable in the QSO List.
Wed, 2012-11-07 18:03
Operator Field
Try profiles, Dave!
Profiles would be fine except you cant filter on them in hte QSO View, so when it come to printing QSL labels I cant differenciate G8FXM from GO8FXM etc.
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
I now see that using profiles will work. I can set filters on profiles which I can used when exporting QSL Labels so this is now working fine for me. Would be helpful however if maybe an addittional (optional) callsign field could be added to the profile table which could be displayed as the first field on the profile drop down, that will help me remember which profile belongs to what call. e.g.
1-IO91WT;Welwyn Garden City;FT2000D;
2-IO91WT;Welwyn Garden City;FT2000D;
would be displayed as:
1-G8FXM;IO91WT;Welwyn Garden City;FT2000D;
2-GQ8FXM;IO91WT;Welwyn Garden City;FT2000D;
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org