Filtering QSO - unconfirmed

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Filtering QSO - unconfirmed

I'd like to filter QSO's from worked DXCC, but never confirmed in LOTW...
Any idea how?
73, Tom

SQ5RIX's picture
Ok, I solved this issue:

Ok, I solved this issue:
you need three sql commands:
1. create temporary table with all countries, confirmed by LOTW
create table tmp as (select country from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate where lotw_qslr = 'L' group by country order by country );
2. select all qso, which are with countries not in the tmp table
SELECT * FROM view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate WHERE country NOT IN (SELECT country FROM tmp)  order by country
Then 3. export as csv the resulting table - should show in the bottom window of sql console
4. then drop the tmp table
drop table tmp;
You are all set :)

---------------------- 73, SQ5RIX

SQ5RIX's picture
Filtering QSO - unconfirmed

Precise filter (command nr. 2) to get glabels-ready export:
SELECT callsign, qsl_via, qsodate, time_off, freq, mode, rst_s, rst_r, country FROM view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate WHERE country NOT IN (SELECT country FROM tmp)  order by country
Remember to use semi-colon merge in glabels

---------------------- 73, SQ5RIX

SQ5RIX's picture
Final solution

Oh ok.....
you can also read documentation instead of learning SQL :)
just for the future reference.....

---------------------- 73, SQ5RIX