Good Morning,
I have recently gotten my radio talking to my computer. It is accurately communicating with FLDIGI but I cannot seem to find the correct parameters to get it talking to CQRlog.
Does anybody have the correct parameters for this radio?
Wed, 2015-12-16 14:44
Icom 706MKIIG control with Hamlibs
HI !
Should go nearly same as my IC-706.
[saku@minipc ~]$ rigctl -l | grep 706
309 Icom IC-706 0.7.1 Untested
310 Icom IC-706MkII 0.7.1 Untested
311 Icom IC-706MkIIG 0.7.2 Stable
At cqrlg/preferences/trx control:
rig desc:IC706 Host:
Rig model: 309 Device: /dev/rig Poll: 1000 Port: 4532
Extra cmd line: -p /dev/rig -P RTS
(check) run rigctld when program starts
Change model nr and device. Note that I have PTT from same serial port (RTS) that causes the extra cmd line text.
Hi Saku -- those settings do not seem to work, I have developed a set of settings that work from the command line with rigctl, but cannot seem to get them to work in cqrlog. Any other ideas?
Hi Tim!
You may have solved this during holidays (?)
If you get rigctl working from command line then use same parameters to start rigctld from command line.
Leave rigctld running and open another cmd window ant try to telnet localhost 4532.
Can you control rig from telnet window?
If you can open cqrlog/preferences/TRXcontrol and remove selection "Run rigctld when program starts".
To be sure close cqrlog and stop rigctld from command line window. Then start all over again: start rigcltd with your parameters. Check that telneting works from another command window. Start cqrlog.
If telnet works should also cqrlog get connected to rigctld.
If not, there is something mysterious with the localhost TCP traffic. (Firewall? Should not if telnet works.) and not with the parameters used to start rigctld.
Just popped into my mind:
If you run fldigi at same time as cqrlog you should use "Hamlib NET rigctl (Beta)" at fldigi's tranceiver control and start cqrlog always first (with selection "Run rigctld when program starts").
Otherwise fldigi may block your serial port so that cqrlog (if started after fldigi) will not get proper rig control.
Thanks for all the input, I did get it working. Turns out I just needed to start the rigctl daemon, so its working just fine -- thank you for a fine program.
" start the rigctl daemon" any way i can see if that's the problem here too?