I'd love to see CQRLog provide support for Transverter. Many operators operate on VHF and VLF bands via Transverters and the ability to apply an offset to the displayed frequency and the frequency written to the log would be of great benifit. How I see this working is as follows:
Transvertor offsets could be defined in the “Frequencies” table accessed from the Preferences | Bands | Preferences page. The Frequencies table could have three new columns as follows:
* tx_offset
* rx_offset
* operator
Each band will have a tx_offset and rx_offset, with a default value set to “0” and the operator column defaulted to "+". The operator value will cater for anyone who is upconverting or down converting to their IF frequency.
CQRLog would apply the following formula for the display of frequency and the frequency written to the CQRLog log database:
*Tx_frequency = Radio TX Frequency +/- (depending on operator setting) tx_offset
* Rx_frequency = Radio RX Frequency +/- (depending on operator setting) rx_offset
Therefore to enable a 4 Metre transvertor for example with a 10 Metre IF, you would enter a tx and rx offset of 42 MHz. CQRLog should allow a band that is unsupported by the radio to be selected via the CQRLog TX/RX Control window if either a tx_offset or an rx_offset "0" is set in the frequency table for that band, so selecting transvertor mode would simply be pressing the band button in the TX/RX Control window that has been configured with the correct offset for your transverter.
For the 4 Metre band, whenever the 4 Metre band is selected using TX/RX Control an offset of 42 MHz is applied (as defined in the frequencies table) to whatever frequency is sent to CQRLog by the radio therefore:
28.325 is displayed as 28.325 + 42 = 70.325
70.325 is written to the log.
In this example both tx_offset and rx_offset are the same so the above formula is applied to both tx and rx radio frequencies. This Offset is also to be applied when CQRLog is in Remote mode i.e. working with FLDigi. What does everyone think ?
Hi Dave,
thanks a lot!! This is exactly what I wanted. It seems it won't be easy, I have to make changes to many places. I have to think about that, I could break a lot of things :(.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Ok Petr, There might be an easier way but this was all I could come up with. Hopefully if you do decide to do this, it won't be too much work for you!
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
Just found this text on the N1MM website, they use bandmap to provide transvertor support, maybe an alternative approach?
"N1MM logger has transverter support in the form that per bandmap an offset frequency can be set. Right click menu bandmap and select Set transceiver offset frequency. Enter the transceiver offset frequency in kHz (minus is allowed). Example: 116000 when using a transverter from 28 MHz to 144 MHz (144000 - 28000 = 116000). The same for other bands (up or down). This can be set per bandmap so when using two transceivers with transverters they can each be on a different band. The offset is saved by the program so after a restart the offset is still there."
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
Hi Dave,
I looked at the source code and I'm sorry, the transverter support won't be included in version 1.8.0. I'd like to release it this weekend or next week. Transverter support means changes into a lot of places all over the source code. I'm afraid it would take long time to do it and I'd like to release new cqrlog version before my vacation. I'm sorry, I'm going to add it to next version.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Hi Petr, I've been thinking further on this and now that some of the newer radios come with 4M as standard and that the current code for the TXR Control UI difficult maybe another approach would be easier. I've been looking at the way that HRD does this. HRD has a Transvertor option under the Tools menu. When you select this it brings up another window showing the rig frequency with any defined offsets applied.
You can set any number of offsets for different radios and you can define whether or not you want the Rig's bas frequency display or not. I have attached two screenshots so you can see what I mean. Maybe the provision of this extra window leaving TXR Control alone is the way to go. we still have the issue of writing the offset frequency to the log. Just thought I'd share this with you in case this approach is any easer?
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
Attached is the second screen-shot showing what’s under the Offset button.
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
Hi Dave,
I just added transverter support to CQRLOG. You'll be able to set different RX and TX offset for each band. Radio is showing 28,000kHz right now.
Look at the screenshot. The source code is already on GitHub.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Hi Petr, thats fantastic news, many thanks for turning this around so quickly. When will it be in the next release?
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
I had been thinking about that for some time and it worth for it. The final solution was not so hard.
I'd like to release latest testing version this weekend and probably the next weekend will be final release. It also depends on what feedback I get from users who will test it.
OK here's a dumb question how do I install the GITHUB files, via the usual make, install ?
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
So will an band enabled in Band -> Frequencies e.g. 4M with an entry in the 'offset' field appear in TRX control. Currently this is derived from the rig's capability (presumably hamlib). so for example my FT-2000D doest not support 4M and that’s why I don’t see it as an option in TRX control so does it appear here if an offset is set?
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
No, you can change the frequencies and buttons in Preferences -> TRX control -> Change default frequencies. But if you change it, the button won't be red when you select that freq. All will work as expected except the red caption of the button. I'm not sure how to solve it. If you want to go to 4M band, you can enter the freq into Callsign field in New QSO window. The freq has to be in kHz, e.g. 70000 and hit Enter. The radio will be set to the difference between 70MHz - offset but CQRLOG will show real 70MHz as the frequency.
To build cqrlog from source code is not hard. First, add my repository with recent version of Lazarus and FreePascal compiler - https://launchpad.net/~ok2cqr/+archive/ubuntu/lazarus, then apt-get update, later please install lazarus and freepascal.
now you can clone source code from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/ok2cqr/cqrlog.git
cd cqrlog
sudo make install
that will install recent version from cqrlog source code. I'll create FAQ with more details.
Hi Petr, I've tried the procedure you mentioned above and I get the following error at the make stage:
~/cqrlog $ make
lazbuild --ws=gtk2 --pcp=/tmp/.lazarus src/cqrlog.lpi
make: lazbuild: Command not found
make: *** [cqrlog] Error 127
Any ideas? I have installed lazarus and FreePascal?
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
It seems that your Lazarus install is not complete. Please install following packages:
lazarus-ide-1.6 lcl-1.6 lcl-gtk2-1.6 lcl-nogui-1.6 lcl-units-1.6 lcl-utils-1.6 lazarus-1.6 lazarus-doc-1.6 lazarus-src-1.6
fp-units-misc-3.0.0 fp-units-rtl-3.0.0 fp-utils-3.0.0 fpc-3.0.0 fpc-source-3.0.0
I suppose it will have a lot of dependencies but make should work after you install all packages.
Ok I got it working now, I'll give it a test run and let you know how i get on, thanks Petr
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
Working well so far, Thanks Petr for this very valuable new feature for us VHF ops ;-)
73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit g8fxm@uksmg.org
Hi there,
got a similar topic here for QO-100 operation:
RX is 2m, TX is 70cm, however as the TX QRG is to be logged (and sent via CAT from my TS-2000) I want translate e.g. 144.780 to 2400.280.
Hence I set in my table for 13cm band 2255.5 for both, TX & RX offset ... But TRX Control continues to show 144.780 ... and CQRLOG also logs that QRG.
In a perfect world, I'd wisht to make CQR log fill the 2400.280 into QRG and the 10489.780 into satellite RX QRG. - But I'd be happy If I get the 2400.280 into the QRG field ...
Any Idea, what I'm lacking?
Thanks & 73
DB4ST (ex DO2HG) --- German Ham Radio Station
D-32584 Löhne ----- Locator JO42IE
HI Stefan! I have not used satellites since 1990's packet satellites but I think the key is to enable preferences/New QS/Enable satellite mode.

Then you will have two more tabs at the bottom of new qso.
and Local oscillator definition

When enabling Use Tx LO and setting frequency I can get rig+LO frequency to Frequency column at top line of New QSO. Same with Rx LO
Hi Saku,
I do have Satellite mode enabled. However, I do not have the "LO config" tab. Is that something to be switched on somewhere in the config ... or do I simply have an older version of CQRlog?
Nevertheless, desptite the satellite stuff, the QRG should be affected by my settings, but it is not.
Thanks & 73
DB4ST (ex DO2HG) --- German Ham Radio Station
D-32584 Löhne ----- Locator JO42IE
Hi Stefan!
If there is no LO tab, you should upgrade your cqrlog. The best way to upgrade is to compile from source,see these messages:
Raspberry PI 4 and cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/3124
New Ubuntu and latest cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/2984
Mint 20 Cinnamon and new cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/2998
The s second best way is to install from my GitHub testing page with included script:
If you are trying to set preferences/bands/frequencies to ones you want you have to set rig as #1 Hamlib dummy to disable CAT from rig and set frequency for new qso always manually. Otherwise cqrlog sets the frequency it receives from rig CAT. If rig does not know about transverter it sends the base frequency it has.