Hi Guys,
Some ideas for ya,
I am using the Export to HTML feature. It is fun for people to be able to look the logs real time on the web.
1. It would be nice to be able to either schedule an export or expose a command line interface so that we can run the export via a CRONtab. (Today I manually esport the log at the end of every session. Then I have a CRON job move it to my web server at my hosting provider nightly.)
2. It would nice to be able to control some of the page layout. This could be as simple as allowing the user to build a header and footer page and then the app combines the header+table+footer to create the new page.
3. Can we control the sort order? (Either newest on top or oldest on top) Currently the newest goes to the bottom so it is the last thing that people see.
I am having a lot of fun with CQRLOG and getting it integrated into the shack. Thank you for all your hard work and time. I am trying to spread the word about your application so that other people can learn about it.
73 John, NG0R
Hi John,
actually, I already have this kind of utility. It exports to CSV file and script uploads this file to my website. After that scrit runs wget to php file which uploads data to database. Please look here: http://www.ok2cqr.com/hamradio/log_search.php It's my online log and log search utility that allows to search also directly from my website. I can provide you source code and you can modify it for your own usage. It was originally developed only for my personal usage and I didn't try to do it clear for another users, so maybe you'll have to do a lot of work to get it online.
Is it usable for you?
73 Petr, OK2CQR