Cannot connect to database after a reinstall

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Cannot connect to database after a reinstall

I've done it again - and this time without a recent ADIF back-up Grrrr.
I have the ~/.config/cqrlog folder with all content up to date, but when I try to start cqrlog I get:

Error during connection to database:
TMySQL57Connection: Server connect failed

Any way to fix this with creating a new database?

Running Mint 64-bit 18.1 Cinnamon for the record.
I was "just" reinstalling the system to clean up a couple of unrelated problems, did a full back-up of my "home" folder, and plain forgot this problem which I've run into before.

OZ1PIF, Peter

ok2cqr's picture
Re: Cannot connect to database after a reinstall

Hi Peter.

you have to install libmysql-dev package and it should work. I don't remember what version of MySQL library Min has.

73 Petr

Re: Cannot connect to database after a reinstall

Hi Petr

I have sent you a screenshot of the error via email. this only happens if I use the "old" /home/pif/.config/cqrlog (with the database from before) If I remove that and let cqrlog create a new one everything works normally. This is what I have done earlier, and then imported and reconfigured everything from my ADIF back-up, alas I would loose too much this time because I've been sloppy about doing my back-ups.

There is no such thing as libmysql-dev available in my system but I have tried to install libmysqld-dev, without anything changing.

73 Peter


ok2cqr's picture
Re: Re: Cannot connect to database after a reinstall

I'm sorry Peter, the library should be libmysqlclient-dev or libmariadbclient-dev.