I use HamQTH for callbook support and all of a sudden it is only working at times. Sometimes it does still work and populates the box and fields but most of the time it doesn't. I have tried disabling it and then re-enabling. It works a time or two then stops again. It has always worked very well for me until now.
Any ideas?
73,Bill NZ0T
Hi Bill,
did you get any error message? I use it every day and it works without any problem.
Open a console, run cqrlog with --debug=1 parameter and you should see more detail why it doesn't work.
73 Petr
Hi Petr,
No error messages at all. How do I open a console and run --debug=1? I am sorry but my knowledge of Linux is limited!
73, Bill NZ0T
I don't know what distribution are you using... .
You can find Terminal in the installed apps, if you are using Ubuntu, hit CTRL+ALT+T shortcut and it should open. Now enter cqrlog --debug=1 and hit enter. CQRLOG will start and in the terminal will be a lot of more information what is happening.
I run Mint 18.3, here is my bug log:
**** DEBUG LEVEL 1 ****
SSL libraries:
Loading libmysqlclient: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient.so
MySQL version: 5.7
MySQL version assigned: 5.7
Loaded 112496 LoTW users
Loaded 111747 eQSL users
Loaded 41620 SCP calls
User home directory: /home/nz0t/
Program home directory: /home/nz0t/.config/cqrlog/
Data directory: /home/nz0t/.config/cqrlog/database/
Memebers directory: /usr/share/cqrlog/members/
ZIP code directory: /usr/share/cqrlog/zipcodes/
Binary dir: /usr/bin/
Share dir: /usr/share/cqrlog/
TConnection to MySQL: 5.7
56 us states loaded
/usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/home/nz0t/.config/cqrlog/database/mysql.cnf --datadir=/home/nz0t/.config/cqrlog/database/ --socket=/home/nz0t/.config/cqrlog/database/sock --port=64000
Trying to connect to database
180119 15:52:08 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 10.0.33-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) starting as process 3514 ...
TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed.
select * from tables where table_schema = 'cqrlog_common'
SELECT log_nr,log_name FROM cqrlog_common.log_list order by log_nr
use cqrlog003
use cqrlog003
use cqrlog003
use cqrlog003
use cqrlog003
SELECT * FROM cqrlog_config
select * from db_version
select * from cqrlog_common.db_version
SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY ADIF
SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY ADIF
RigCtldArgs:-m 229 -r /dev/ttyS0 -t 4532
RunRigCtld: TRUE
RigDevice: /dev/ttyS0
RigPoll: 500
RigId: 229
Starting RigCtld ...
/usr/bin/rigctld -m 229 -r /dev/ttyS0 -t 4532
rigctld started!
Connected to localhost:4532
RunRotCtld: FALSE
RotPoll: 500
RotId: 1
rotctld started!
Connected to localhost:4533
select id,freq,mode,bandwidth from freqmem order by id
Sending: fmv
CW init
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = -1
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = -1
Sending: fmv
rig_open: error = Communication timed out
Sending: fmv
Sending: fmv
Sending: fmv
Server:telnet.reversebeacon.net Port:7000
Please enter your call:
Local users = 63
Current spot rate is 17712 per hour
NZ0T de SK1MMR-1 19-Jan-2018 21:52Z >
DX de UD4FD-#: 3508.40 OE6RDD CW 15 dB 19 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de W1NT-2-#: 14037.9 WK0B/7 CW 11 dB 21 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de AA4VV-#: 7034.0 K5ED CW 15 dB 20 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de AA4VV-#: 7023.0 VE3BXG CW 11 dB 17 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de F4EGZ-#: 7029.0 IT9QAU CW 19 dB 17 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de SV1CDN-#: 7031.0 PA3GEG CW 9 dB 27 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de W4KAZ-#: 10106.5 DL5ANT CW 10 dB 28 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de W4KAZ-#: 14038.0 WK0B/7 CW 12 dB 21 WPM CQ 2152Z
Sending: fmv
DX de KM3T-#: 7017.0 UR3VKR CW 7 dB 28 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de VE7AB-#: 14038.0 WK0B/7 CW 15 dB 21 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de VE7CC-7-#: 14038.0 WK0B/7 CW 27 dB 21 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de S50U-#: 3508.3 OE6RDD CW 30 dB 19 WPM CQ 2152Z
DX de K2MFF-3-#: 14038.1 WK0B/7 CW 14 dB 21 WPM CQ 2152Z
Well, I updated Mint 18.3, did a restart and now ti's working fine.