Hello list,
I am trying to get my Alfa SPID RAK rotator on speaking terms with the CQRlog Rotor control function but without success. Is there anyone on the list who has such rotator working so we can check parameters?
Thanks and 73, Wijnand PA3HFJ.
I do not have any rotator, but same as I today replied for rigctld:
Remove "run rotctld at program start", set host = localhost, port 4533, poll 2000 (easier to follow).
Open 2 console windows.
1st window type:
/usr/bin/rotctld -m 1 -vvvvv -r -t 4533
2nd window type:
telnet localhost 4533
When connected type:
P 120 0
to set dummy rotator to 120 deg, elevation 0
Open cqrlog and window/rot control. Look what happens in 1st console.
cqrlog should show 120 deg. On 2nd console give:
P 270 0
from cqrlog you should see rotator turning.
So far so good.
Type call to NewQSO:
W1AW and leave callsign filed. You should see direction on right side of New QSO.
By looking at 1st console press "Short path". You should see that cqrlog sent a command to rotctld.
For some reason in my test only "Long Path" makes rotator turn. Both send similar command anyway.
When this demo works return you true rotator settings to cqrlog and restart it.
When running give console command:
ps ax | grep rot
paint and copy the line showing rotctld and its parameters.
Close cqrlog.
Paste command to console and add -vvvvv parameter to those exisiting ones and press enter.
Look for any error messages
When it runs open second console and give:
telnet localhost 4533
when connected give
You should get current position and elevation like "p 100 0"
Type command
P 30 0
rotor should turn. If not, see 1st console for error massages.
When you can drive your rotator with telnet it should work also with cqrlog.
Hello Saku,
Thank you very much for your clear answer to my question. With your debug steps I was able to get my rotator working with CQRlog. The main thing I have learned is that it is vital to restart CQRlog after each alteration in the rotorcontrol parameters, otherwise they are not taken into affect and you keep running in circles.
Thanks again!
73, Wijnand PA3HFJ.
73, Wijnand PA3HFJ.
Nice to hear!
The other way is to switch between rot1 and rot2. That reloads rotctld (as well as rigctld at rig's side swithing rig1 - rig2 from TRX control). Then no cqrlog restart is needed.
Rot2 and rig2 can be dummy models (-m1 ).