I tried to update version 2.3 on 2.1 my raspberry pi 2B but the result has been catastrophic.

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I tried to update version 2.3 on 2.1 my raspberry pi 2B but the result has been catastrophic.

Hello everyone.

I tried to update version 2.3 on 2.1 my raspberry pi 2B but the result has been catastrophic.

When trying to reinstall version 2.1, I no longer recognize the database or allow me to start the program.

Does anyone have a solution?

cqrlog --debug=1

**** DEBUG LEVEL 1 ****

SSL libraries:

Loading libmysqlclient:
FATAL ERROR: Can not get MySQL client library version version!
Setting to default version (5.1)
MySQL version assigned: 5.1
Loaded 118377 LoTW users
Loaded 115544 eQSL users
Loaded 40133 SCP calls
User home directory: /home/pi/
Program home directory: /home/pi/.config/cqrlog/
Data directory: /home/pi/.config/cqrlog/database/
Memebers directory: /home/pi/.config/cqrlog/members/
ZIP code directory: /usr/share/cqrlog/zipcodes/
Binary dir: /usr/bin/
Share dir: /usr/share/cqrlog/
TConnection to MySQL: 5.1
56 us states loaded
/usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/home/pi/.config/cqrlog/database/mysql.cnf --datadir=/home/pi/.config/cqrlog/database/ --socket=/home/pi/.config/cqrlog/database/sock --port=64000
Trying to connect to database
180620 9:32:24 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.5.60-0+deb8u1) starting as process 7406 ...
Can not load default MySQL library ("libmysqlclient.so.16" or "libmysqlclient.so"). Check your installation.
Trying to connect to database
Can not load default MySQL library ("libmysqlclient.so.16" or "libmysqlclient.so"). Check your installation.
Trying to connect to database
Can not load default MySQL library ("libmysqlclient.so.16" or "libmysqlclient.so"). Check your installation.
Trying to connect to database
Can not load default MySQL library ("libmysqlclient.so.16" or "libmysqlclient.so"). Check your installation.
Trying to connect to database
Can not load default MySQL library ("libmysqlclient.so.16" or "libmysqlclient.so"). Check your installation.
Trying to connect to database
Can not load default MySQL library ("libmysqlclient.so.16" or "libmysqlclient.so"). Check your installation.
Trying to connect to database
Can not load default MySQL library ("libmysqlclient.so.16" or "libmysqlclient.so"). Check your installation.
Trying to connect to database
Can not load default MySQL library ("libmysqlclient.so.16" or "libmysqlclient.so"). Check your installation.
Closing DXCluster window
Closing TRXControl window
Closing GrayLine window
Closing dDXCC
Closing dData
kill 7406
Closing ini file ...
Invalid file handle

73 de



apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev