cqrlog 2.3.0-1 and stack trace in remote mode for wsjt.

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cqrlog 2.3.0-1 and stack trace in remote mode for wsjt.

Hi Petr!
I state that i use debian "buster".
With the previous version 2.2.0-1 the remote mode for wsjt worked well with CQRLog. With the new version 2.3.0-1, when I register the QSO in FT8 a pop-up of CQRLog opens with the warning of an access violation and I have two options: "CANCEL" or "SAVE". if I click on "SAVE" I run the risk of corrupting my data, if I click on "CANCEL" CQRLog disappears and only WSJT-X (1.9.1) remains active, however the contact is registered on CQRLog, as well as automatically it is uploaded on CLUB LOG and HAMQTH.
Below I have extracted the relevant debugging part of CQRLog. You can see a stack trace.

Cqrlog Ver:2.3.0 (001) Date:2018-06-17
**** DEBUG LEVEL 1 ****

SSL libraries:
Loading libmysqlclient: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmariadbclient.so.18.0.0
MySQL version: 10.
MySQL version assigned: 5.6
Loaded 118377 LoTW users
Loaded 115544 eQSL users
Loaded 40133 SCP calls


edtName before pressing save:Mark
Start Date :2018-06-18
Start Time: 19:47
WSJTX decode #5 logging: press save
insert into cqrlog_main (qsodate,time_on,time_off,callsign,freq,mode,rst_s,rst_r,name,qth,qsl_s,qsl_r,qsl_via,iota,pwr,itu,waz,loc,my_loc,county,award,remarks,adif,idcall,state,qso_dxcc,band,profile,cont,club_nr1,club_nr2,club_nr3,club_nr4,club_nr5, prop_mode, satellite, rxfreq) values('2018-06-18','19:47','19:48','EI3KD',50.315,'FT8','+05','+02','Mark','','N','','','','80',27,14,'IO51','JN62BK','','','',245,'EI3KD','',0,'6M',-1,'EU','','','','','','','',null)

SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr

SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = -1

WSJTX decode #5 logging now ended
TApplication.HandleException Access violation
Stack trace:
Sending: fmv

Hi !.. same trouble in my

Hi !.. same trouble in my side

73 Yves


73 Yves, F5JQF

[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon 6.0.4]

cqrlog 2.3.0-1 and stack trace in remote mode for wsjt.

Hi !

If this happens when wsjt-x remote is on, but CQ-monitor (or Wsjtx map) is closed you can pass this with OK safely.
Quick fix is to open CQ-monitor (and minimize it if you do not like it, but not close).

There is one variable reset after logging and if CQ monitor is closed it does not exist.

So it is a clear bug.
I can reproduce this by keeping CQ-monitor closed.

Thanks for pointing this out.


cqrlog 2.3.0-1 and stack trace in remote mode for wsjt.

Hi !

I have fixed this bug (I think) and made also some changes to the function "sTx" that caused this bug. It should now drop TX (if checked) also if split answering to CQ is done from wsjt-x main screen line.

Also added some more text to "auto backup" discussed here https://www.cqrlog.com/comment/6482#comment-6482
And did changes to corresponding help files.

Test binary 2.3.0-101 can be found from my web page http://www.saunalahti.fi/~sakny/bin/cqrlog2/
(source code at https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog-devel )
For testing the bugfix it is enough just to unzip only the cqrlog binary itself and replace current /usr/bin/cqrlog with that.
(maybe save the original first...)

If it works as should I'll do pull request to cqrlog-master later.


ok2cqr's picture
Re: cqrlog 2.3.0-1 and stack trace in remote mode for wsjt.

Great work Saku! Please create pull request only with that bug fix, I'll merge it to master and also to 2.3.x branch which will be 2.3.1 bug fix version.

Is this fix going to be

Is this fix going to be released soon? Soonish? Sometime in the future? :-D

cqrlog 2.3.0-1 and stack trace in remote mode for wsjt.

Hi Saku,
thank you for quickly fixing the bug. Your version of cqrlog works well and I will use this for now.

73 Giuseppe IKØDWJ


Test binary "cqrlog2", access is now denied.

Hi Saku,
access to your web page http://www.saunalahti.fi/~sakny/bin/cqrlog2/ is now denied "Error 403". It was appreciated for the timeliness of bug fixes and the ease of applying them to the current original version of cqrlog.
The last version I downloaded from your web page was 2.3.0-003 with a cqrlog binary of about 52 MB, much larger than the original.

73 - Giuseppe IK0DWJ


Test binary "cqrlog2", access is now denied.

Hi Giusppe!

Thanks for information!
Last week my ISP tried to sell me new VDSL replacing my ADSL connect.
They have a new concept, direct translation form finnnish "block fiber". That means they have fiber to a box along street and last meters to customer are fed with copper wire.

How ever this did not work as nearest fiber is over 1km away (that I told them, but they did not listen to me).
So they switched my account to new, and then back to old as vdsl did not initialize. I suppose that effected also to web pages as my account is somehow recreated to get old settings back.

I have to make a note to my ISP. I hope they get pages back, otherwise I will inform a new address within few days.


Test binary "cqrlog2", access returned

Hi !

My ISP has now returned access to my web site and fortunately all data is still there.

The size of 2.3.0-103 was big because it was compled with error tracking on.

I have now uploaded (from same source) new files without error tracking.
They are smaller and faster to execute.
There should not be any other differences.


Test binary "cqrlog2", access returned

Thank you Saku for putting your skills at the service of an excellent free software like cqrlog.

Giuseppe IK0DWJ


thank you for your speed to

thank you for your speed to correct the bug. Everything works on my side. I applied the remedy advocated by Saku (binary 2.3.0-101). Thank you again for maintaining this great software.


Yves f5jqf

73 Yves, F5JQF

[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon 6.0.4]

Verifying this solves the issue

Registered and came here just to let you know I had the same issue, went through the apparmor + lotw.txt fixes to no avail and found this thread. The -101 works correctly and solves the issue on my 16.04 radio box.

73 AG5OV Rob

Thanks, Saku

Just wanted to add my thanks to you for the bug fix!

OK, I know that this thread

OK, I know that this thread is a little old, but my problem is directly related to this bugfix.

Since I just recently installed wsft-x (1.9.1) and I was using CQRLOG 2.3.0-1, I thought I would install this bugfix before starting to work FT-8.
My OS is Kubuntu 18.04 64-bit.

I downloaded the cqrtest230-102_i386.zip file and installed per the instructions in the README file without any problems.

I tried to start CQRLOG from the Task Manager and nothing happened. I also tried to start from the Application Menu and got the same result, Nothing.

I checked to verify that cqrlog was in the /usr/bin/ folder and was executable, and it was (see below). I then tried to start cqrlog from the terminal and the OS does not find the file.

kx4fz@TERRYSPC7:/usr/bin$ ls -l cqrlog
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11879044 Aug 10 06:53 cqrlog
kx4fz@TERRYSPC7:/usr/bin$ sudo cqrlog debug=1
sudo: unable to execute /usr/bin/cqrlog: No such file or directory

Could this be because cqrlog was compiled for 32-bit and I am using the 64-bit version of Kubuntu? Or is something else causing this?

Thanks in advanced,

KX4FZ, Terry

I do believe that this is a

I do believe that this is a 32-bit app on a 64-bit Ubuntu problem. I found this on the askubuntu.com website:


I followed the instructions in the most recommended answer, but it does not fix my problem.

KX4FZ, Terry

Same problem as OP

I re-installed CQRlog 2.3.1 from the repository so I could operate again. When I made my first wsjt-x contact and tried to log the QSO, I had the exact problem that the original poster had.

KX4FZ, Terry

Same problem as OP

In my test binary web site the ZIP named cqrtest230-102.zip is for 64bit OS
the one that has name cqrtest230-102_i386.zip is for 32bit systems.

So you should chose cqrtest230-102.zip and try with that. It is the same binary that I use every day in my Fedora27-64bit.


Same problem as OP

Updated readme_install.txt in my web site.
It now states difference between 32 and 64 bit versions.
Also fixed some errors and video link (now to YouTube).



Thank you Saku. That fixed my problems.

KX4FZ, Terry

I have the same problem too.

I have the same problem too.
When I have CQRLog V2.3.0 (001) and WSJT-X V2.0 running with remote turned on in CQRLog and I log a contact thru WSJT-X, I immediately get a pop-up window stating "Access Violation". I always hit the Abort button and then check CQRLog and see that the QSO is indeed logged properly. Not sure how to correct this problem. Linux Mint V19.1 - See attached screen shot.

Bob, WG9L


"Access Violation"


I have found one problem in wsjt-x logging. Usually the error splash says ' "2019-04-27' is not valid date". Date may be also empty ' "" is not valid date '.

That will be fixed in future (official and test binary) versions.
I just wonder may this be the same problem. Could you start cqrlog from console:
cqrlog debug=1 > /tmp/debug.txt

When you have aborted cqrlog please upload the /tmp/debug.txt as attachment to your next message.

At the present time you could try the test binary. You will find link by reading this thread from beginning.


Saku... You are THE man!

Saku... You are THE man!

I downloaded test version 2.3.0 (216) and replaced the cqrlog binary file as you recommended by following your instruction (above) and tested it with WSJT-X v2.0 and it worked perfectly. Thanks again for all your hard work and effort to support this wonderful logging program. All good once again.

Best 73,
Bob, WG9L

New release for Buster?

I don't want to sound grouchy, but this has been a known issue for some time. Debian is going to release Buster soon and then it will be stuck with the broken 2.3.0. Bug reports WILL NOT RESULT IN THE LATER VERSION BEING UPLOADED TO STABLE! Sorry to shout, but I've been down this road when LoTW no longer accepted the version of tqsl that was in Stable at the time and even though I filed a bug report stating the package was unusable due to decision of upstream, it could not be upgraded "due to policy". Now, I like Debian, but sometimes their adherence to policy causes more problems than it resolves.

I ask, could 2.3.1 be released with this fix so it might have a chance of making it into the next Debian Stable? Sadly, it may already be too late.

Yes, there is backports.debian.org but I was informed by one of the newer maintainers that they would not update packages through that site.

New release for Buster?

"I ask, could 2.3.1 be released with this fix so it might have a chance of making it into the next Debian Stable? Sadly, it may already be too late."

I do not know official release time table, but a bigger update is under construct by Anreas, DL7OAP, and me. It is partially (part1) pull requested already to Petr's git, but we are still checking the second part that is the bigger one.

My opinion is that after that is done it would be good time to release official version 2.3.1 or even 2.4.0. But that is up to Petr.

Test binary 217 follows those changes, but it is also still under testing.

My (I have used Linux maybe too long) opinion is that installing from "other distributions" tgz (at the end of Download page) is far more easier and better choice for all distributions than distribution packages that usually are not in sync with latest version. When installing from tgz user just needs to take care that all required other packages (listed at the end of Download page) are installed. Usually they are, if it is just a question of updating cqrlog.


Thanks, Saku.

Thanks, Saku.